Memory of our English Month Celebration

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3 years ago

Every year we are celebrating english month to show the prepared plan of english department for the students and of course for themselves. Everytime there is celebration of english month I know there is a big surprise for us. In past few years when english department making a fun activities for us, it is very fun and enjoyable because the students can participate in that activity and there are prices waiting for us.

I still remember the most memorable moment in english month celebration when there is a Battle of the Bands and i felt so excited to see the performers singing in the stage, the battle is became fun because of the collaboration of instruments and the people singing their pieces. Last year there is also Battle of the Bands but I noticed that contestants can sang Tagalog songs and that is the way to make the students go with the flow of the songs.

These 2019 I can tell that the English month is entertaining, the celebration started with posters, slogans, poems and more. I noticed that someone is creating a big castle and the first thing comes in my mind is they will perform a play about Romeo and Juliet. They are also students who creating a big letters using of paint and cardboards. I didn't know that senior high schools had activities for students. There are activities like the dedication wall that you write for the person you love or the person you admire and of course I write a piece of sticky note and attach it to the fabric. Fortunately, many of them settled on the dedication wall and I read a lot of letters for their crushes and others forging the dedication wall. I was thrilled at the idea that Dedication Wall was giving students the opportunity to confess to their crushes and others hoping to have someone write about them, this is new in English month celebration.

There are also activities such as jail booth and marriage booth, In jail booth it is so irritating because They catch even complete uniforms and some even catch because they are white and have mole. I was a little relieved that they had a lot to catch and I laughed when someone that I know at some of my classmates put in jail. Your classmate had to redeem you for 3 pesos, I think maybe the collector of money is rich and i know that it is in good hands.

There are lots of students who take a picture in the big castle founded at the front of EIM rooms and students enjoy it because the view is beautiful and it's nice to change dp on facebook and put it on our my day. I have seen many students who taking pictures and selfies together with their friends and crushes.

Overall the activities for English month is really good because we witness the hardship of teachers and students to develop and prepared those plans. The programs is good and we can see the happiness at the face of junior high school whilr participating in those activities.

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3 years ago
