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3 years ago

Are you familiar with these type of phobia? It starts when I was dreaming a nightmare that a big object will just explode and it makes my body shaking, fortunately someone wake me up from that nightmare and from that on I start hating to see big objects because I think anytime it will collapse or explode thats why I always get away from big objects because of my phobia. There is a time that I walk from the street and a big inflated object is near me and it activates my phobia, I want to vomit but I just raised my head so that it will not happen, I immediately get away from that place and breath a fresh air. I can't understand why I'm experiencing that kind of phobia, maybe its just part of our living. Maybe people are not perfect and having a fear in something.

I hope this phobia will not affect me in the future because it can affect the way I live and I know I can surpass this fear, there are other people who have worst phobia and some of them cannot pass their fears because of trauma. Maybe other people came from trauma thats why they have their phobias, ihave two classmates in High school that has Arachnophobia and everytime there is a crawling creatures in our classroom, they are shouting and even crying, one time we have discussion about arachnopods and they cannot take the pictures shown in presentation and they are start to vomit and cry. In conclusion , everyone of us has big fears but we cannot let those fears to stop on our way. In the future we can surpass those fears and we can enjoy life.

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