Loosing phone is harder than loosing Virginity

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3 years ago

Have you ever wonder how people in past handle this situation? Are you aware that this is happening in our world or your just ignoring it because you it is normal? Technology is rampant now adays in which where ever you look it is used by people, without gadgets you cannot belong to those people who have cellphones and other gadgets and you will loose all the important information happening in our society because technology is the new way now to deliver important news happening on our planet. That's why cellphones is important in life of people. But have you wonder how the people lived in the past without technology?they can achieve the information by didn't use of technology and I want to tell you that in the past morality is the most important thing that a man can show. It is hard to say that in todays world, morality is no longer exist maybe few people have strong morality but there are people who ignore their morality for the sake of self desire or maybe for the money.

Maybe your confused why my title is about Virginity, I will tell you a situation that really happens on the country Philippines, did you know that during Spanish colonialism on the philippines, morality is the best thing that women had, they are not easy to get because men needed to do everything to get their heart and they didn't give up their virginity until the man they love married them in front of God and I owe these kind of morality but it's sad to know that today's generation, morality is no longer exist on women on my country, loosing phone is harder than loosing virginity, many women are giving their virginity to their boyfriends without thinking the consequences. Maybe because technology really affects the mindset of women. It is sad to say that it is important to have money and brand new phones in exchange of giving up the dignity and morality for the sake of these things.

It is not my opinion but its truly happening to my nation, it is hard to believe that women in my country especially teenagers are engage in a relationship and when the call of lust happen, the morality and dignity has been forget, I hope my fellow countrymen will realize this dilemma and I hope this will be address, but this time it is difficult to achieve as long as technology is evolving this dilemma cannot be cured. Its depend on person how he/she handle this dilemma and how they will avoid it because in the end virginity is the most precious thing that a women can give to his husband.

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3 years ago
