Insight about song "Paubaya"

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3 years ago

Have you heard this song? What do you feel when you hear this song? Does it makes you cry sometimes? This song is sang by famous singer in the philippines named Moira Dela torre, actually I've heard every song that she had and I can say that it's full of emotions and struck strucking in heart, broken people can relate to her songs due to the lyrics and message of songs. Those songs was loved by my countrymen and she gets compliments from citizens, I admire her due to her songs since when I'm stressful I listen to her songs then my stress relieved, her songs was very relaxing because her voice was so low and you can feel sleepy while listening to her, her songs also makes a person cried whether it is already stone, it is good to listen to her songs when your alone so that you can have a moment and reminisce all the pain you experience.

But the most beautiful song that she sing for me is Paubaya since the title got me at the first place, when I first heard this song my tears starts to fall and I understand the message of songs, I know the lyrics of songs has impact to all the people who choose to let go the person their love for the sake of two person. In this world we cannot handle the relationship perfectly since everyone made a mistake and people is easy to attract to other people, there are people who fell inlove to others while they are already in a relationship and when the time comes that they will lose their love,their partners are not ready to broke up and it will result to fight and sometimes they choose to let go each other. If your broken i recommend to listen to this song because it will help you to release the pain in your heart and you can sing it for the person that your ex new love, maybe while your listening to this song, you will ask whats wrong to me that she/he had the reason to lefthand find others better than me, Well for me i relate to this song since I'm broken hehehe.

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