Human is a Virus that killing Planet Earth

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3 years ago

Have you imagine that our planet has no living organism? In which earth is living by itself and sustain itself? Do you think diseases is the main reason why earth is suffering? In the beginning billion years ago our beloved Earth lives in peace in which it is made of rocks and lava but as years go by our planet evolved and living organisms starts to grow. Our planet becomes habitable and life evolves. From single organism humanity was born and become the highest form of animal. Humans has intelligence to create things that can help them survive, because of evolution humans became smart animals. In good part our ancestors create tools that we are using right now and they have the knowledge on how to cope up in environment and survive from disasters. That's the time where our planet is still beautiful and less carbon footprints. But it sad to say that today our planet is no longer habitable, human actions makes our planet die. From a single action to big actions it has effect to our planet. For an instance ina simple way of throwing trash everywhere it contributes to pollution. Throwing trash in rivers and lakes causes water pollution, also throwing garbage everywhere can cause land pollution and flashfloods. Can't you see the worst things human doing, cutting trees to make furniture,burning mountains to make it subdivisions or building facility. Our trees serves as a shield that can protect us from sun radiation also it gives oxygen so that we can breath fresh air but what we are doing. We are destroying our planet. If our planet can talk it will complain to stop all our bad habits. It sad to say as our technology evolves our planet is suffering because of man-made. Many animals die because of human wickedness, even those indangered species are fading because of humans. Can't you see the reality that our world is already sick, if our planet is talking maybe it will get angry to us. Human wickedness leads to global warming our earth is already hot because of gases traps on our atmosphere. The cold region of North and South pole is already inflicted by sun radiation and because of too much heat Ice are melting and it slowly increasing the sea level which has the possibility of flooding and worst tsunami that will destroy everything. It is my message that I want to tell to the world that as long as it is early we need to do an action to solve this problem. Even if you are ordinary person you can do an action to slow down or stop global warming. As an organism living on this planet we have no right to destroy it. Maybe someday we live in a planet in which everything was fine and our planet is not suffering.

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3 years ago
