Faith heals everything

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3 years ago

Living in the world that full of greed and wickedness, It is difficult to trust and bear with the other people right? I've learned in the class that humans are born clean and kind but it's changing by the influence of environment and sorroundings. As days goes by humans will realize that all our mistakes will give back to us and it that moment we will realize that everything we did was wrong and we will regret our sins.

In this life we cannot avoid that we are doing bad things that can harm others, sometimes we are doing bad things so that we can achieve our goals, there are goals that is purely bad, for an instance those criminals who choose to do bad things for their own sake and choose to harm someone so that they can achieve their bad plan but can't you see the part of people who doing bad things for goodness of others, are you familiar in story of Robinhood, if your familiar you can know that he steal and ambush rich people wealth so that he can help poor people, sometimes people are doing bad things so that they can get the things denied for them. Let me give you an example, in my country philippines there are many people doing crimes because our country is experiencing poverty, its because of system of government in which corruption reigns. People choose to do crimes to recover the money that politicians get from fund of country but eventhough the intention is good, it is a sin in eyes of God to to pay for the sins we do we need to have faith in God and repent all the sins we committed.

Faith is always here to help us rise again and continue in our life.Faith is untouchable because we can't feel what it's texture. One thing for sure Faith is the greatest tool to unite the world, It can heal the hearts full of anger and cure the wounds experience from awful past. No matter hard and painful we have got, In the end it will convert into joy and laughters. There is a bible verse written "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding"(Proverbs 3:5). We cannot see faith in our naked eye but Faith is connecting power which linked us to God and creating relationship to him. Some people don't know how to deal with their problems and they embrace their problems in their own. Faith is undescribable because we cannot sense what it's look like and it's shape but one thing for sure, If we have Faith in God we will achieve the everlasting life.

In conclusion, Faith is the reason why we are strong in life. Through Faith we can make connection to God and we will feel his presence inside our heart. Faith will heal all the pain in our life, always pray to him and don't forget to thank him for the life that he gave to us.

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3 years ago
