Everyone has a unique Talent

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3 years ago

are you aware of your talent? Does your talent benefits to you or you didn't unleashed your talent yet? Well everyone of us has a unique talents, maybe there are people using it and profit it while there are people who afraid to show their talents because of judgements came from society. Talents makes the people unique for example if you have the talent to draw or paint then people will appreciate you and you can sold those painting to make profit, while others have talent in singing, since social media is rampant nowadays it is easier to show your talent and you can be famous in an instant click. There are also people who get in Entertainment industry to audition in singing or dancing contest to show their talents and if they win they will become famous and greater chance to know worldwide. While there are people who afraid to show their talents, maybe they are too shy and has low confidence,eventhough they have unique talents, thats why he opportunity for success is vanishing, if you have the talent its not bad to show it to the world, its normal to be judge and don't mind them because they are just jealous that you have that kind talent and you can use it to inspire others to unleash their talents and show it in world.

When your asking me what is my talent, well I'm good at singing hahah I'm always singing and practicing until I get my original tone. But my self confidence is too low and I'm afraid to sing in front of many people, I prefer to sing on my own since I'm confident when no one is listening. I think i didn't know my other talents since I'm not interested to explore it, I don't have time to deal with it since I'm busy at school and scrolling at fb but I know in the future I will discover the other talents I have and I can use it to earn money, maybe this is not the right time for me to show my talent. I will just own my talent and practice it so that if everything is OK I will show to the world that I have this kind of talent.

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3 years ago


True. Everyone is unique and different from one another. And comparing doesn't mean anything.

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