Challenges in Success

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3 years ago

Have you ever experience to failed in a thing that you want to achieve?It is painful right? Even though you do everything to achieve that goal. Losing our self does not affect our morality. It is part of our life to lose in a particular matter, it is normal to cry and blame ourselves why we failed. Sometimes we are losing hope and telling to ourself " I will not do it anymore, I'm exhausted trying and trying to this matter". There are instances that we are afraid to try because we are afraid to fail again. Failure is the major factor why people lose hope in life.

It is normal for us to experience failure as student but we all know, in that failure we can gain an experience which we can use to improve our skills. Maybe we are asking ourselves are we deserving to start again? .Of course why not? life does not end when you failed, we can take it as an opportunity to step up and start a new journey until we can reach our goals. If we rise again, we will notice that we did it and we can achieve it. Life is full of failures but it is a lesson that we can apply in our life. Someday the struggles cannot be easy and it will reach to the point that it will break you into pieces but the important is you are still standing in your feet and confident to face that struggles. Someday you will experience the life full of sweetness. There is a quotation saying that "It is difficult to plant and grow and seed, It takes time and sacrifices until it become a tree. We can gather its fruits and taste it's sweetness. In this world there is nothing easy to do, every sweet results must be work hard by the person, though there is lot of challenges but it just a test and measuring your temper on how you will survive and how are you determine to get that thing.

In conclusion failure is part of our life but we can use it as a lesson to know more what we can do and use it to surpass our ability. Always remember that problems is always there to break you but the important is you are always ready to face them with self confidence and trust in yourself.

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3 years ago
