Mental problems during the pandemic period

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3 years ago

Husband is businessman, wife is employee. The middle-aged couple contracted corona last August. Both of them returned home after 14 days of treatment at a specialized hospital in the capital. After that, both of them became physically healthy but both of them became mentally exhausted. There was an abnormality in their behavior — they both noticed it.

Last week they went to the National Institute of Mental Health for treatment. They say they can't stand anyone now. How are you - even if someone wants to know about it, he is getting angry. The mood is irritable, dizzy, sleepy, unable to remember anything, seeing less in the eyes, feeling very weak even if the appetite increases. After working for a while, you feel tired. Suffering from uncertainty all the time, afraid to think about the future of the children.

The number of patients with such mental fatigue and anxiety has increased during the coronary period. Fifteen doctors working in mental health told Prothom Alo that seven types of mental patients are coming to them more during the coronal period. Additional concerns about being infected with corona; Mental exhaustion after coronary infection and recovery; Corona may be again, fear of this; Excessive fear of those who are admitted to be infected with corona; Depression and job losses and low pay are the result of children and adolescents being socially isolated for long periods of time.

Most doctors say in the first light, many do not realize that they have a mental problem. As a result, this problem is becoming more apparent. According to them, most people are coming back to the hospital with various complications after being coronated.

World Mental Health Day is being observed today, October 10, with the slogan 'Mental Health for All: More Investment, Free Opportunities'.

Health Minister Zahid Malek, however, said in the first light, "We are working to relieve stress. We have formed separate sub-committees on non-communicable disease control programs on mental health, launched helplines, and provided telemedicine services. Stuck at home increases stress, leading to depression. So I am encouraging people to live a normal life by following the hygiene rules. '

  1. Mental fatigue has increased

The outpatient department of the National Institute of Mental Health used to receive an average of 600 patients a day. Now about two and a half hundred patients come. However, most of these patients are suffering from urban and coronary problems. Professor Bidhan Ranjan Roy Poddar, director of the National Institute of Mental Health, said in the first light, ‘Any stress leads to mental problems. And Corona has put people under pressure from all sides. However, sadly, the people of our country are not so aware, so these patients go to another doctor. As a result, mental health remains neglected.

Asked what advice was given to the patients, Mekhla Sarkar, a psychiatrist and associate professor at the same institute, said, "When we come to them, we give them therapy and medication. I also do counseling. '

2. Stress is increasing in young and old

Many young people infected with Covid-19 also have long-term negative effects on their bodies. According to a survey published by the international organization World Vision titled 'Children's Voices in the Time of Covid-19', 91 percent of children and adolescents suffer from stress and anxiety during coronation. During this time, children, adolescents, young people have increased sleep problems and anxiety.

Helal Uddin Ahmed, an associate professor in the Department of Child-Adolescent and Family Psychiatry at the National Institute of Mental Health, said the number of young patients has increased during the coronary period. Especially those who were examinees. Asked what advice he was giving them, Helal Uddin said, "Routine changes should not be made in a big way." Parents need to convince their children that there is life beyond the coronavirus.

Older people are also under stress. Most of them are suffering from various complications including diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. At the beginning of the infection, it was said that older people would be more affected, and since then they have had fear in their minds. After that, those who have been affected by corona, are showing more stress. And those who did not, they are also afraid of infection.

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