Chester Cricket's Pigeon Ride Part2

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3 years ago

Anyway, the Hynrik Stuyvesant Pigeons and all their descendants prospered greatly and the great New World. They become probably the most famous i respected pigeon family on the island of Manhattan-so famous and respected, indeed, that now they refused to eat any bread crumbs expect those that were thrown out on Park Avenue.

"But about a year ago," said Lulu "I had a beakful of all the ritzy jazz, so i told my snooty relatives bye-bye and just flapped out. I decide that l'd rather, fly with the times. That's why I move down here too Bryant Park. It's nearer where the action is. You get what I mean?"

"I guess so," said Chester- although he didn't understand her completely. Lulu had a strange New York way of talking that was short of hard to understand. But Chester meant to try, because he was beginning to like this pigeon very much. Even if there might be someone kookoo bird in here.

"But don't you ever see any of your family now?"he asked.

"Oh, shooor," lulu scratched the earth with one claw.

"Every once in a while I fly up to Central Park. There's an elm tree up there reserved solely for the Stuyvesant Pigeon clan, if yooo please!"

"You don't know where the Central Park is?" Said Lulu. "Big beautiful central park!-the best place in the city-"

"I guess I don't," Chester apologize. Explain that Mario had taken him on several excursions, but not, as yet, two central park.

"Say!" exclaimed Lulu. "How would you like to real tooor of Noo York? One that only pigeon could give."

Wait for Part3

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