An Innocent Eye

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3 years ago

" The eyes are the window to your soul."

William Shakespeare once said an English Playwright, poet, and actor.

If I interpret why he said that, in my own opinion it's because whatever our emotions will reflect in our eyes. Whenever we're happy, sad, or mad.

We can identify what people feel just looking at their eyes coz eyes can communicate.

Sometimes we can recognize the person is lying by looking at his/her eyes.

Sometimes eyes can be sinful too. We easily judge base on what we see. We rate the person according to looks.

EYES are one of the five senses that GOD gifts to us. It's truly amazing how eyes can see so use it in the right way.

Always keep in mind to look the beauty in our environment and see the goodness of every individual, and not their flaws.

That's why I love to gaze at the eyes of my nephew and niece. The eyes of children are innocent. Their eyes are pure. They always see the world with wonder.

I once asked my niece why people can't go outside nowadays, especially her and her grandmother. She said because there is a Coronavirus people will get sick. When you go outside you should wear a mask and bring alcohol so the virus will go. She also said when the virus is gone she can go to the mall and play outside.

It's funny how she knows that. I can see her sincerity in her eyes, for her that is the way to kill the virus. Yes, it's true but we all know that it is not simple and it's a way of prevention. The children really don't know what the whole world is facing right now.

But every time I talk to them I can see the light in every child's eyes. It twinkles and glows. They look at the world with wonder and excitement. It shows an innocent eye and the goodness of their heart. Their eyes sparkle every time they smile.

Always use our eyes to see the beauty in our environment, in every situation, and the kindness of every individual.

Gaze the world with a smile like a child. Look at the world with an Innocent Eye.

Take care of our eyes.πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰πŸ™‚

Hope you enjoy reading.

God bless everyone and stay safe.πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

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3 years ago


Thanks for sharing

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