Greetings Everyone!
I tried to follow up the news in crypto/blockchain world - and the news of the rest of the world, as well - to follow the prices, the Halving, my trades, my customers and my suppliers in the real life (8 am-10 pm and 7 days a week) job, to keep the store clean and well organised, to have some quality and playful time with my kids and my wife..
Too, much for too little time...
But, how can you say that your acts are right? How can you say if you are successful or not? How do you even measure success??
Well..I guess that the only way is about results..If you have good results, then your acts must be good..
So...I can say that my shop is clean - no cockroaches at all, i assure you - so I will take this point.. I managed an increase of daily income about 11,8%, alongside with a tiny increase of products in stock, but the best part is that some new customers have reached us - and i think that they were pleased from their experience! To be honest, though, I am not responsible for these increases, but the quarantine that made us to be little more wanted, more necessary, if you please. But i will take this point as I, really, tried hard to made all this happen.. Some products were out of stock and there were more demand than supply, some customers wanted a delivery on their home and of course the hours are endless.. So, Yes i will take this one!
Fortunately, home - store distance are near zero, so this helped to spend all my free time for my family. When time is past 10 pm my mobile enters in a silent mode. No notification, or calls. So, all my free time was for my family.. well .. a couple of hours every day, but still i will happily accept it without second thought. After all i had to sing - whisper to be more precise, as it is not wise for me to sing- a couple songs for my 2 years old daughter to fall asleep. "Secret of steal" from Manowar and "Man of Sorrows" from Bruce Dickinson! As for my son, he is not care about me, yet. He is happy with just a bottle of milk, even if these things chances day by day....So, i'll count this in the positives!
News? Oh, my God... I, barely, could follow up the rules and regulations that my government issued against coronavirus, how could possible, even have the remote thought, that i would follow all the other news...Well.. This is one against. But, I did followed the majority of the crypto/block chain news, even if it was mainly tittle reading. It was crucial for me to have a sense about what is going on in the crypto world, but this is definitely one against..
I, also, was able to follow up my studies - my personal studies, that are around trading and finance - which i must say they were higher in priority than the full coverage of news. Additionally, I tried some DeFi (oh, these would be a great series of posts about them, hehe). This one is extra and lead us to the next topic. Trading! Most of my trade attempts - as I am still a rookie - are not mine, to be honest and, even if I had to "do my own research" prior placing the order (any order, really. Always DYOR. No one is responsible but you!) I shouldn't take this on my behalf... Well, yes, there is a "but" coming!! But, I did made two trades that were entirely mine, from the research to the execution, and i must say that i managed a 5.6% profit on average. I could some more, but i am extremely happy as it is!
The bigger issue was about socializing. With an active quarantine, this became more difficult that I thought. Of course, there are social media - which I mainly use to find funny memes - but then there wasn't enough time. To tell the truth I have delete my account in Instagram (I keep Facebook as i have registered with it, in some sites...that i don't use..) and i was happier. I was freed! So, the real problem was about writing. Writing makes my mind to relax and eliminates my stress and the pressure of the day.
So, let's summarize.
I think that i am able to say that I successfully managed to bypass these difficult time (it could be way worse, of course). I, also, am pleased, as I have succeeded to the most important aspect - my family. I am very tired - or, i must say that i am burned out - and, as it seems, it isn't going to change in the near future, but I am really happy with my performance!
The next step is to be more active on my posts.. Crossing my fingers.....
(Title Thumbnail Photo by Nelly Antoniadou on Unsplash)
This is my own content and I will cross post it at Publish0x, Cent, Hive, and Uptrend.
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