When air blows, it shakes each and every leaves. Then it moves to another. In this way it goes to everything that comes in its way. It doesn't discriminate, it just flows. Similarly, when water starts to flow from the source, it never bother about the path. It makes its own path and finally reaches to sea..
When a seed gets favorable environment then it starts to decode and finally grows into big plant. When sun rises in the morning it set it's path to horizon to get lost in darkness.
In nature, everything flows in a certain path. They have to be in that way that is the nature law.
Baby becomes boy, man and old one and dies. Everything are in its sequence. Within a pattern, one form has disparity with another only in reference of time. If we ignore time, then there is no difference between a boy and a old man. There is no difference in egg and hen.
But we see everything in time reference.
Jesus once was talking about the kingdom of his father. And one man stands up and asks, " what will happen if we reach to your father's kingdom?". Jesus replies ," in my father's kingdom there will be no time". Many people don't get this answer. Actually Jesus here is saying that there won't be any comparison.
Comparison is by product of time. When there is no time, we all are no different then one another. I am not different then you. Think if I was born at the time you were born, only the possible way is to be you in your place. I am no other than you but I am standing different than you because of time.
Every comparison stand with time. So if we ignore time, I am you and you are me. Not only to this I am that tall tree standing out of your window. Also I am the mountain which is some miles away from your house.
When we drop down the time reference then I and you all get dissolves into I . Only I remains. Every existence becomes I. Every thing from smallest particles atoms to bulk stars becomes I.
This is the concept of wholeness. Only I.....
Thank you....