Debate between RogerVer and Pierre Rochard BCH vs BTC

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

Debate between founder Roger Ver and the founder of Satoshi Nakamoto Institute Pierre Rochard. Topic was BCH vs BTC

Debate started with the founder of satoshi Nakamoto Institute Pierre Rochard.

Pierre Rochard starting

Image source:screenshot

Let's talk about bitcoin cash  for a minute.You know so i think that few dispute that you have the right to creat a fork of bitcoin and market it is that, i think that people take issue with using as you know one of the ways you promote that although you do own it so clearly that you have  the right to do that too. How do you feel about forks of bitcoin broadly and specifically like what was kind of the impetus to push down the bitcoin cash path rather than to say with sort of the network consensus around what is commonly known as bitcoin.

Roger ver replaying

Image source:screenshot

Clarify one point i had absolutely nothing to do with creation of bitcoin cash and i didn’t switched to promote bitcoin cash untill after it has already been in existance for i think three or four months  but the impetus for that, there was a scaling attempt to allow bitcoin to continue to be money for the world
It was called the segwit2x agreement where segwit which is if you're deep into crypto you already know what  that is if not don't worry about it and the block size we're going to be upgraded from one megabyte to two megabytes which is,  if you do  both those things you're going to get  more than double as many transaction available on the  bitcoin network.
If you do just the two one megabytes.two megabyte you double add segwit it's a little bit more on top of  anyhow for whatever reasone the segwit portion of that  agreement was activated first and then all of a sudden everybody came out of the network. A bunch of people that weren't running business you bitcoin.The big block version of bitcoin that eventually kind of became bitcoin cash.
It had more hash rate, it had more businesses,it had more users,it had more community support.
Clearly without any doubt whatsoever but then all of a sudden all these people that weren't running businesses  didn't have customers,didn't you know do much of anything other than be loud on the internet came out there opposing  the two megabyte upgrade to bitcoin that two Megabyte upgrade eventually was aborted.i had to look around the world and say okay,well if i want  a tool that can enable every human being on the planet to be able to send and receive any amount with any other human being on the planet.Bitcoin can do that it's not going to do that with one megabyte blocks. It's impossible   for bitcoin to do to that.. So there's a whole bunch of other cryptocurrencies out there.which one do i think is the most likely  to bring the most economic freedom to most people around the world in the  shortest amount of time and looked at all the different cryptocurrencies out there and bitcoin cash Was the one that was at the top of my list.Others were interesting but i think bitcoin cash has the best shot at bring the most economic freedom to the most people around the world.Right now today and an example of that if you're watching this and you have never used cryptocurrency ever before,it's impossible for you to get one dollar of bitcoin.You can't do it.the fees are so high on the network. It's impossible  for you to even get 5 dollars of bitcoin becuase the fees are too high.But if you email me at Roger at for this.i'll email you back mm five  dollars in bitcoin cash on chain impossible  to do on bitcoin. so that an example if you are brand new to cryptocurrency,you can never even get five dollars a bitcoin and hold it yourself.You'd have to use a custodian but if you are using a custodian why not just use your regula bank with dollars again you are kind of right back where you started. It is so incredibly important that the people are able to transact directly with the cryptocurrency  on chain which means asked to have fast cheap reliable  transactions and the way that is to allow the block size to get as big as it needs to be which is exactly what satoshi Nakamoto said early on in his involvement in bitcoin.

Pierre Rochard replaying back

Source: screenshot

So i have been using the lightning network and increasing amount over the last couple of months technology long in development intended to be built on top of bitcoin and potentially other protocols that allows you to use bitcoin or something like it as sort of the settlement layer or the kind of source of truth.But to do kind of arbitrarily small transaction using something like the lightning network. I believe you are correct about the on-chain nature of bitcoin.It would be, let's just call it inefficient to biy and recieve one dollar worth of bitcoin at current prices, at current fees but how does kind of lightening network play into that, do you not see that as a solution to this problem

Roger ver again

Source: screenshot

It's not a solution to this problem so to onboard a new person who's never used bitcoin or lightening network ever before.It costs over 100 dollars to do that right.Right now today a bank Doesn't cahrge you 100 dollars to open a new bank account. Whay are you going to pay 100 dollars to be able to start using the lightning network.It is just absolutely ridiculus and the user experience is atrocious everytime i've tried to use it then what would, i am curious to hear from you adam if you met somebody who've never used crypto before and you wanted to get them involved in lightning, what wallet do you tell them to get and where would they begin and what's the easiest way to do that?

Pierre Rochard again

Source: screenshot

I mean i think the biggest challenge around lightning right now is that you need to run a full node in order to actually participate on that network but i've recently been experiencing with a project called sphinx chat which effectively allows you to pay i think it's two dollars or four dollars as one off payment and then they run a node for you and you can use the lightning network and you get you know two thousands or four thousands satoshis which is obviously a lot less than four bucks.

But i mean like i had the same problem honestly with lightning for a really long time.then i've run you know full nodes and we've set up tip things and things like that but this moat recent batch of technology actually does appear to be really quite usable. I am not sure

You've checked it out yet bu again like the idea of lightning you know streaming satoshi's via the lightning

While you are listening to a podcast

to the podcaster something that i think is starting to pick uo steam and again as a podcaster i think it's pretty cool!

Roger ver replied then

source : screenshot

As a podcaster that's great and i'm not familiar with sphinx chat or the name in order to pay them the four dollars to se up your full node watchtower to watch your lightning network.

Are you gonna pay them you know you're gonna pay fifty dollars in bitcoin fees to do that how do you pay them the first four dollars if you don't already have lightning network.

Pierre Rochard tried to answer

Source: screenshot

Well you pay with a credit card that much is true.

And the man started laughing

Roger ver answerd

Sounds awful censorable to me.

Pierre Rochard ends the meeting

That's fair, all right Roger, well i appriciate your time today.

Thus they ended a debate. 
I have never heard of any bad
language being used there.
And i think Roger ver is successful 
to clarify this issue.

@RogerVer i want to thank him for attending this meeting. I was just listening the full video with deep concentration. I have watched more videos of this man @RogerVer

He can make people underated and can clear doubts easily. I hope people will be helped much by watching the debate.

I have written all the article with what they have said in the debate. If you want to watch and listen it then you can visit this link and watch it better quality in youtube.

I hope you will also enjoy the debate and learn about both crypto much as i have enjoyed the full video.

All photos taken from the video by taking screenshots.

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)


I think that I already watched the video before but I guess I will leave in my list to watch later just to make sure is not something new. I always like to watch new videos about Bitcoin Cash it is a good way to learn about Bitcoin Cash at least that's my case.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

yes. There is a proverb, the more you read the more you learn. There is no end of learning new things where as it is about bitcoin cash and crypto! We all must continue learning new things for sure!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

i can say amen to that because you always learn until the last moment, even the last moment when you die is a learning thing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago