BCH chemistry,seems new?

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2 years ago

Sounds interesting? Yeah it is! I am going to relate BCH to the chemistry. Oh it's not the chemical chemistry.it's about the love chemistry!

I think you are quite aware of the term that chemistry between lovers! Boyfriend and girlfriend feels the chemistry. So what the chemistry is the chemistry about love!

Let's make it simple. Scholars have said, chemistry between two opposite gender are the best chemistry.

So how the chemistry occurs

We people have brains we all know that right? What really the brain does? do we have enough idea? I think most of the people doesn't know about it. The neuropeptide oxytocin hormone is often mistakenly identified as the hormone responsible for love bonding. It mainly plays a major role in breast milk secretion and uterine contractions.

A popular line from Nachiketa's song, 
'Love is actually a game of 
pituitary, we fools say love'

That being said, romantic feelings are actually a complex interaction of chemistry and psychology..

Now if a chemical can send a signal somewhere far outside the body, why not inside? The neuropeptide oxytocin hormone is often mistakenly identified as the hormone responsible for love bonding. It mainly plays a major role in breast milk secretion and uterine contractions. Extensive research has been done on this. The role of this hormone in rats living in deserts has been studied. This species of rat has a culture of monogamy and open caressing.

Result of the experiment of oxytocin hormon on the rats

When the secretion of the hormone oxytocin is disturbed, it is seen that the rats contract to express emotions. Conversely, excess oxytocin secretion increases sexual desire in polygamous rat species. They then fall into a sexual campaign! However, the effect of this hormone in humans is not so dramatic. Although there is some intensity in exchanging love with an existing partner, there is not much interest in finding a new partner. As a result, it is difficult to say that this hormone is responsible for human love.

The failure of interpretation suggests that romantic attraction is, of course, a complex matter. But it cannot explain why it is so instinctive and spontaneous. That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. Isn't it better to make a decision through calm reasoning? But in the case of love it does not happen.When making a decision, we have to control our instincts and think calmly from being isolated for a while and apply it consciously and independently. At this time the reaction of the people around has to be kept in mind. But people don't think too much about deciding to fall in love. There is no basis for this decision. Similarly, the abandonment of control over established cultural practices and the evolutionary concept of collective reasoning are too weak to explain..

Let's connect BCH to the chemistry

As like mixing the BCH with chemistry

I have tried to explain about love and we call love between two is chemistry. I meant by BCH chemistry is the feelings for BCH,the attraction you feel for BCH is chemistry i call.I like to see that smile that means I have feelings for BCH.when I here about BCH,the secretion of dopamine increases. I have feelings for BCH and this is a good feeling and that's why I am and many others investing in Bitcoin cash.. so the chemistry between Bitcoin cash and me is the chemistry of attraction and love., look i have some points

  • Your partner gives you happiness , and BCH gives me happiness, when the price of BCH is about to increase i feel like wow! And when it downs, i feel like more wow to collect!

  • You feel a love Tension for your partner. And i feel for BCH the same.

  • You are connected wigh your partner all day long! And i am connected with BCH all day long!

  • You become angry when you hear something bad about your partner. And i become angry when i see someone talking shits about BitcoinCash. But i try to mKe him understand!

  • There are many more logics i can provide.

    Last of all i just want to say you love your partner a lot and i love BitcoinCash more than you.. What i think is, if anyone analyses about bitcoincash cash in a proper way,he will definitely express his feelings to own some BCH for him. But really, we should have some BCH so fast. Remember, it's never late at crypto world! You van enter when you want.

.I started writing this article several days ago. I finished it last night and posting it today from the draft. There are 4/5 unfinished articls i have to finish them and post them gradually one by one.. @Eybyoung posted at noise.cash about me how i followed her and got a little success so far! You should try also.

And thanks to my sponsors





Source :

Lead image is a combination of 2 photos from unsplash.com and edited with phone after downloading.

2nd image -https://unsplash.com/photos/gaYC1U0L5pY

3rd image - https://unsplash.com/photos/5iRgh_G0eRY

And the last one is also mine edited by me.

Stay blessed, be careful in this pandemic situation. Eat healthy be strong!

$ 6.48
$ 6.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Laurenexai
2 years ago


It's good . I have seeing this kind of relation for the first time. , hahah. Hope you add more interesting article like this ! Really BCH us a real hero. When you are about to say anything about BCH it feels that I am talking worth

$ 0.50
2 years ago

Thank you for you complement. Sure, I will try to write some more!

$ 0.00
2 years ago