The guy who trade his paperclip into a house

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Avatar for Laurenceuuu
3 years ago
Topics: Trade

What if I told you that someone had a house without spending money, would you believe at me? If not, you must read this! This story happened at the year 2005-2006 when one guy in Canada named Kyle Macdonald saw a red paper clip in his desk and think about what he can do with that paperclip. He was jobless back then and thinking about things that he can do to have a money and saw an opportunity in trading.

This trading wasn't all about crypto but it is exchanging your things from one person to another. In one of the articles that I have read, he said that there is no money involve in this trade and it is purely exchanging your thing to another. 

One day, he saw a red paperclip in his desk and think about what he can do with it, he said that when he was a child he is always thinking on what small things can do to make it bigger ones and something came out to his mind. He posted the red paperclip online on a trading platform (they didn't mentioned it) saying this:

“This red paperclip is currently sitting on my desk next to my computer. I want to trade this paperclip with you for something bigger or better, maybe a pen, a spoon, or perhaps a boot.

If you promise to make the trade I will come and visit you, wherever you are, to trade. Hope to trade with you soon!


PS I’m going to make a continuous chain of ‘up trades’ until I get a house. Or an Island. Or a house on an island. You get the idea.”


All along, his plan is really a big plan! He really planned to trade the paperclip into something bigger which is a house or even an island. 

Some people said that his idea was crazy because who will trade for a paperclip with a house, right? He didn't give up despite of those criticism but he still continue what he started.

Later on, he didn't fail to his first trade because two girls responded on his post and trade their fish-shaped pen to his red paperclip. These two girls said that they didn't trade it for nothing but they trade it because they found it “cool” and “fun”. They also said that they want to be part of his story. 

As what he said, he want a chain of up trades so the fish-shaped pen that he got on his first trade was also posted online and trade. Later on, someone responded and trade his fish-shaped pen into a doorknob with face! He continued to trade and his doorknob was traded into a camp stove, then campstove into a generator, then generator into a snowmobile and snowmobile into a van!

Imagine that your paperclip was became a van now! What else if he traded it again!? Since his plan is to get a house or island by just trading, he didn't stopped on a van. He traded it into a snow globe! 

He didn't gave up into a snow globe, he sti posted it online and one day, a Director of a Hollywood film saw his post and offer a trade! The Director offered a contract where Kyle will be one of the Hollywood film and he accepted it. The Director said that he is collecting snow globes that's why he traded a contract with Kyle. 

Then one day, one of the village on their place (named Kipling) was interested on the contract given to Kyle by the Director and offered him a trade! Finally, the Kipling village offered two storey house for FREE as exchange to the contract and Kyle accepted it immediately. 

They moved on the house and got a warm welcome from the village and had an interview from different people who knew his story. He met different people, famous people to be specific. He also became famous because of his story. Who will think that one paperclip will become a house, right? 

The best part of it was the people who traded to him was happier on his “successful plan” which is to have a house by just trading. In total, he had 14 trades in one year and successfully got his goal. 

I can't manage to get all the photos that he trade.


Luck is everywhere, what we need to do is to look on different opportunities. Small things can be a bigger one either literally and figuratively. Trading has also an important role in our life and in our country. We learned and benefit from it. Just like this quote said by Nas Daily, “Trading can make us richer and better, without it the world will become poorer and worse”.

Now, do you have a paperclip? Start posting it online and trade it! Who knows that you will also own a house, right?


$ 7.20
$ 7.00 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @tired_momma
$ 0.10 from @immaryandmerry
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Avatar for Laurenceuuu
3 years ago
Topics: Trade


This just proves that you can get what you want, even if you don't have a lot of money. A clever idea can change everything!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I watched his story through Nas Daily. Ang galing. Nakakaamaze. Hahahaha 😹🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Actually kaya ko s'ya nagawan ng article kasi napanood ko din kay Nas daily hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago