My First Nfts Gallery
Friends Today I bring you my first edition of NFTS that I am uploading to the Blockchain on the OpenSea platform.
I am developing an edition of Elite Companions of a social network called TWETCH.
We design them, I am developing them with my Creativity based on an Order of participation in the platform.
It is called "Gold Edition" since each Person makes their Avatar in the gold effect that I develop in 5 app on my tablet and I seek to incorporate movement effects based on the content that each user publishes on the social network.
I want to apply it in all the social networks that I live.
At the moment I have only uploaded one to the Blockchain and it is not for sale, I will give it to its Member for a transfer to their Ethereum wallet upon completion.
I hope anyone who wants me to do a Personalized NFTs will comment.