Lessons I’ve Learned About Love, Self

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3 years ago

1. When you’re busy, slow down.

Slowing down when we feel busy may sound counter-intuitive at first. Our mind wants us to believe that if we don’t keep moving, the whole world will collapse. Well, it will not.

The feeling of stress and being busy is a condition of mind. We bend the perception of time and space and speed it up with the inner anxiety. The more we invest in believing that there isn’t enough time, the faster the time flies.

On the contrary, when we slow down and refuse to be a victim of time, we create more of it.

2. The biggest magic happens when I am.

The mind tries to keep us busy with thinking, analyzing, rationalizing, and planning. How many people are constantly trapped in their minds?!

While all the magic happens when we simply are. It’s not a coincidence that we receive inner guidance and moments of sudden realization when we let things go and enjoy a walk in a forest.

We’re multilayered beings. Our mind is one of the layers, but it’s not who we’re. We’re so much more. Even better, we can tap into it when we lay down on grass, gaze the stars, breathe in the fresh air, enjoy a hot bath, or go running.

Creating the “me time” daily is what keeps the inspiration and intuition flowing in. The higher realms can reach us when we create space for them.

3. I can’t help anyone by lowering my vibrations.

As an empath, I used to feel into others so much that I lowered my vibration to comprehend their problems. It felt natural, and we’ve all heard that we should be there for others, always helpful and kind.

Although I believe that we should be here for others, I learned the hard way that when I lower my vibrations, I can’t save anyone.

It’s the same as you’d see someone drowning, you jump to the water to save them, but in that shock, you forget that you can’t swim, and then you both drown. It’s a bit extreme example, but this is what we do when we lower our vibration to help someone.

You don’t need to lower your vibration and still, you can feel compassion and understanding for others. On the contrary, when you maintain a strong vibe, you can help others to rise above their issues.

And then there is the other group of people who don’t want you to over-shine them. So you don’t, as a good empath does. But deep within it slowly kills you because you know who you’re and you desperately want to express it, but you feel like you can’t. You fear that you wouldn’t be accepted.

Well, here is the thing. It’s not worth to sacrifice the life force that the Creator endowed you with for someone to feel better.

For one second because that’s probably how long they’ll be happy. If you have toxic people who aren’t happy for your success and happiness, get rid of them. It’s the only thing; you can do about them.

4. There will always be demanding people. Don’t let it shake your boat.

Some people believe that others were born to serve them. These people are also called energy vampires, and a big part of them sucks the energy out of others on purpose. They’ll ask for your attention, love, money, help, and you keep giving, but they still ask for some more because deep within they have an endless void that can’t be filled.

Since we’re sovereign souls, there shouldn’t be anyone exposing their power and demands on us unless we agree to it.

It’s only you who decide what kind of people is in your environment and what they can demand from you. You don’t need to play their little game for power because you can say it’s been enough and leave.

5. Give absolute freedom in relationships.

In all relationships should be absolute freedom. We don’t own anyone, and we can’t control anyone. It’s only the mind that believes that it can control someone and make them love you or stay.

Relationships are sacred assignments between two sovereign souls.

I believe that it should be approached that way. On the other hand, you can’t expect freedom from your partner if you don’t give it to them. When there is mutual freedom in relationships, they flourish and expand on their own. We don’t suffocate them with our insecurities.

6. Life is short, don’t waste a second of it.

We tend to ignore the fact that we all die. It may be sooner than we think. The people in our lives will die too.

The life flies in the blink of an eye. Sometimes I like to think about different historical periods and imagine how people thought that their time was the most modern so far and that they have a life ahead. Now, they all turned to the dust with no exception.

Just like our ancestors would think that they had an unlimited amount of time to write a book, fight for their love, play more with their children, contribute to the peace on the planet, it’s all gone now. And at some point, it’ll be gone for us as well.

I know that death is the topic many people like to ignore, but it provides us with a healthy perspective. I don’t take things for granted because they’re in constant motion.

I also believe that we should find and follow our life calling because one day there might not be time left.

I know that many people assume that once they figure out their life purpose, everything falls into the right place. They fantasize that everything will be served on a silver platter. No, it won’t. You need to grow into your life purpose. You can operate form 10% of your life purpose, or you embody it completely. It requires your commitment, and yes a hard work too.

7. There are no gurus.

No one knows what the best for you than yourself is. No matter what advice others give you, it’s you who have to live with that decision. It’s only you who know your secret dreams and the hopes your carry in your heart, but you fear to express them.

So-called gurus can only help you, offer you their hand (if they don’t want you to worship them if so run away FAST!) for a period. They can help you move faster through your challenges and help you see a greater perspective of your life.

But ultimately, you have to find your own way, and if there is no way, you create one.

I find it beneficial to consider gurus as helpers for a specific period of time, but don’t make your happiness and life dependent on them or anyone else. It’s only in your hands.

8. Anything is possible if you commit to it.

I want to clarify something. First, you have the grand visions that make your heart beat faster FOR A REASON. And that reason is to ACT ON THEM. It’s the guidance from the soul who shows you the way to your highest potential.

What do you do with these visions?

Do you ignore them?

Do you let the fear to take the lead?

If so then don’t complain about your life because you just threw a golden ticket to a trash bin. But if you decide to act on your beautiful visions, then you have the power to execute them.

When you want something bad enough, and you burn all the other bridges to safety, it’ll be yours.

By committing to your heart’s desires, you display the maturity of your being. You’re brave to state that; this is all I want, and I believe it from the bottom of my heart, so it shall be. Because I’ll give it all, I have. This is the inner power that comes from the soul and can move mountains.

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Written by
3 years ago
