Benefit of Yellow Ginger

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3 years ago


TURMERIC (Cucurmin)

is a medicinal plant native to southeast asia. It is an orange rhizome related to ginger and has been used as a dye, medicine, and cooking ingredient for 4,000 years. It has many beneficial benefits in curing many diseases due to its Cucurminoid polyphenol antioxidants. The leading antioxidant is Cucurmin and it provides the most beneficial health benefits

. "Benefits and reviews"

1- Ginger is the fourth highest medicinal plant that contains many antioxidants with Orac score 159,277.

2-it has the ability to help suppress oxidative stress and inflammation caused by degenerative diseases in the present.

3- Ginger also helps to strengthen and balance the level of blood sugar and insulin resistant cell membranes by increasing insulin receptors and enhancing its insulin uptake.

4- It also helps the Liver stop the enzymes that reduce blood sugar so it is good for people with Diabetes.

5- Ginger is also effective in preventing and treating Alzheimer's disease.

6- it removes Amyloid beta or plaque from the brain caused by shocking disease.

7- Increases natural antioxidants against Cancer such as superoxide dismutase, Glutathione and catalase.

8-lowers blood pressure and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

9- Reduces the chance of Dementia -Alzheimer's -Parkinson's disease as well as other Neurodegenerative diseases

10- accelerates the healing of skin lesions caused by - Psoriasis - Eczema - Acne -not balancing skin color -swelling of the side of the eye -broken cracked heel

11-It is used to cleanse the Blood and Liver

12- accelerates weight loss and weight loss

13-helps with sinusitis or Sinus infection by steam inhalation including irrigating the sinuses

14-When mixed with cauliflower, it is good at preventing Prostate Cancer.

15- natural remedy for pain and soreness

16- helps cure Arthritis

17- stops the growth and growth of roots in Tumors and RUMUM. Contraindications:

Not recommended for Pregnant Women as it may stimulate the uterus.

* YELLOW GINGER PREPARATION: -7 Pieces of yellow ginger -1/4 tspn. Freshly ground pepper -One liter of water. Boil them for 20 minutes. Refrigerate and drink a glass in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and in the evening before bed.


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3 years ago


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