After Last Night's Intramural triumph!!!

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After last night's Intramural triumph party, the university appeared to be a ghost town. There is a deafening quiet, and you can only make out a few students. It is comparable to the pandemic period when only staff and academics were permitted on the university's grounds.

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The three days of nonstop running and moving around in the hot weather may have worn the students out. Without a doubt, the most of them are still in bed, gathering their strength, and making the most of their downtime. Although the university didn't proclaim a time off for them today, it appears like everyone has decided to take a break from studying.

Some of the professors I know think that today's lack of pupils is beneficial for them. Reject that. Today, there are still only a few students. You know, the kids that choose to attend class even if the majority chooses not to. There are pupils who fit that description. The students take their academics and grades very seriously.

We went to the grocery store today to pick up some materials for the function tomorrow. A celebration honoring the 122nd anniversary of the Philippine Civil Service will take place tomorrow. The Human Resource Office collaborates with our office. We are primarily responsible for organizing the program, creating the games for the event, and acting as the technical crew.

We purchased junk food today to serve as prizes for the parlor games tomorrow. It only took us a few minutes to do the errand because there were fewer people at the market than on weekends. I enjoyed choosing the junk stuff to put in the trolley. Some junk foods date back to my lifetime. My old favorites are among them. It's fun to try each one again.

Since I was little, I have loved fast food. Although I'm happy to see them, they also make me think of the unpleasant event I had a week ago. I need to stop eating poorly if I don't want to experience the same discomfort once more.

I genuinely want to live a healthy lifestyle, but the temptations are too great for me to succeed. I only wish I could lead a disciplined, healthy lifestyle one day for my own benefit.

Today, it's simple to indulge appetites and keep up with the latest fashion. Since meal preparation takes time and effort, eating quickly is more convenient. But we also need to be ready to deal with the effects of our unhealthy behaviors when our bodies start to fail us.

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