Philosophy of yin and yang ☯️

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Taoism, Yin, Yang, Emotions, Culture, ...

_wisdom of balanced life

This is one of the most famous symbol everyone must have seen it before may be in movies may everybody knows about it that what it means so,

Yin and yang are one of the most important and deep Chinese philosophy. They have came from Taoism, which emphasize dual nature of reality .

Symbol :

It's symbol basically a circle in which there is a white serpent around black dot and ablack serpent around the white dot for simplicity it is made out of serpents.

The symbol has a hidden concept in it mean , everything has an essence of its opposite thing and our goal is to live between the yin and yang because anything cannot be complete without its opposite so, no everything can be only yin or yang if there is day then there is also night, if there is sleep then there is also awakeness,so everything has two main sides which complement each other.

Yin :

The black area in which there is a white dot is called yin . which include feminine,dark,night,cold,moon,chaos and introvertion .

Yang :

The white area in which there you can see a black dot is know for yang ,which has opposite forces to yin including masculine,hot, light,sun,order and extrovertion.

Yin is that part of reality in which we have potential to generate new things and building new new things in a passive way . And yang is that in which we actively expose our will let's dive a little deeper and try to learn the basic by practical example .

For example, if when we do exercise it is yang, and when we take rest between the exercise it is yin . You can learn from the above example that both maintain healthy balance as if you will just lift weights without taking rest and sleep at night so it will never improve your health and you will never get desired results and if you will take rest period all time and work hard less in this way you will also never get results desired .

Like wise when a wave rose above so it has forces of yang and when came down it is yin .

When food is hot it has yang and when food is cold it is in yin

Life is yang and death is yin .

Yang starts an action and yin completes it

This duality can be noticed in our personality and behavior if you are extrovert and angry mostly so you have excess of extrovertion energy. And if you are introvert and speak less and lost in dreams and naturally depressed so you have yin in excess. When you have an energy in excess we feel imbalance and do not able to optimize life and performance for example you have a habit of living in crowds you cannot live alone and do not meditate so you need to add yin in your life as going into solitude and focus and thus you will be able to find the insight from which you were far away . Similarly those who have not found their positions in their life and fear themselves lost and they always feel de motivate so it's mean the have yin so they can add yang in the life by working hardly.

According to "Taoism" there is the most powerful force in the world which is the strongest than any other force it is known as "Tao" which means "straight path" or the "middle way" this is the natural flow of universe, the man who lives between yin and yang he can achieve deep understanding of reality When we start adding these habits in our daily life we found relaxed in mental ,spiritual, physical and entirely relaxed in life . Then we didn't eat a lot and do not fasting for days ,we do not grade masculine and feminine into inferior and superior ,we do not think all day about sex and never try to forget this concept as we welcome positive thoughts we also in balance negative thoughts because following balancing act is the way to the priority in life

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Taoism, Yin, Yang, Emotions, Culture, ...


This is related to chinese and also it is considered to be the integral part of their tradition

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2 years ago