Your Only Picture (Part 2)

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Stories, Reading

My pile went well three days after I moved here. I'm still able to sleep well. I can sense the soul in this place. I always catch sight of him out of the corner of my eye. Take a look at me. I'm not sure if he wants to speak to me. I'm not afraid of your presence here. I don't sense a negative influence from him, but I do sense one...


Since my roast was finished, I turned off the heat. It's just six o'clock in the morning. I hurriedly opened my mouth because I needed to see Aunt Alma before she left for Canada. After dinner, I showered and dressed. I shut the door and began walking.

I saw Aunt Alma loading her belongings into her car from a distance. Aunt Alma suddenly turned to face me and grinned as I approached.

"I'm going now." There's no need to drive me to the airport. You're just here because they're both taking an exam. I'll expect nothing less from you, Mark. Please look after them. They will not chastise you. “Just give them some advice if you suspect they're going to do something wrong,” he said softly.

Since her eyes were swollen, her face showed signs of weeping for a long time. Her nose and eyes are bright red.

"You can still hope. I would do my utmost to fulfill my responsibilities as my older brother. Please be cautious when leaving. Don't be concerned; I believe your children will be safe."

"Okay, I'll leave now. They're both refusing to leave because we cried last night "With a gentle laugh, he said.

"They also said that they do not want you to see them with swollen eyes. Wow, he's abandoning me. You'll handle it. Goodbye, Mark "He got into his car after saying that.

I simply waved their vehicle away. I exclaimed. Will I be able to keep my promises? Is it good luck or bad luck that awaits me when I live here? I honestly have no idea what will happen to me when I move here, but I only have one thought.

I have to hold my word. I must be responsible because, in my present situation, I am also fortunate in life in comparison to others. I took out my cellphone and looked at the time. Our customer will arrive later to pick up the chicken. I walked into the building. I noticed the two of them eating in the kitchen. I went up to them.

"Are you two all right? Lea, your eyes are swollen! Can you see anything?" I was making a joke with him. He let out a soft chuckle.

"Hey, I'm not just Leo's older brother!" While pointing at Leo, he said. Leo hid his face behind his hands.

"Lea, you're a true apple! It's not like brother Mark is going to be cool with me because he's going to scream!"

I couldn't stop laughing. I lightly tapped Leo on the shoulder.

"It's okay...not it's bad to cry, and it's normal for your eyes to swell with tears. Okay, I'm leaving because I'll be taking care of the chickens for sale. If you have any questions, please contact me."

"OK, buddy, thank you," Leo said. I waved as I walked out the door.

"Have you counted the chickens, Kiko? It must be locked "Mang Boy summoned the young man.

"Yes, it's all fifty chickens," he replied politely.

"Oh, this is the fee, you. You're the newcomer. I hope you stay a long time because the people who live there will improve "With one hand on the back of his neck, he said.

"Yes, then I'll repair it because I told my aunt that I'd look after her chickens as well as my cousins."

"Yes, then I'll repair it because I told my aunt I'd look after her chickens as well as my cousins."

"Oh, go ahead and leave. Thank you so much "He then immediately started the engine. Not far from here, they sell fried chicken.

Their business is successful, so he takes a large number of chickens even though he still has chickens with them, possibly so that they don't run out. I counted the money I had on hand and put it in the envelope. I need to get it to Lea as soon as possible so that I can finish the rest of my tasks.

I took the chicken meals with me when I handed over the money. After that, I washed their cage because it was filthy. I make it safe again.

"Hays," I promise, sighing. I stood in front of the mango tree curtain.

When I looked at the mango tree, it seemed that its fruits had dropped. I stood up and walked towards the house to retrieve the stick. I snatched a few bits.

"I'll have this snack later," I said with a smile.

It's lunchtime again, and I've prepared my dish because I still have leftover rice. I set my cellphone down on the sofa and began cooking. I ate after I finished cooking.

"Thank you, Lord, for the bread," I said as I washed my hands.

When I remembered my cellphone, I rummaged in my pocket.

"What about my phone? What did I do with it?" I talked quietly. I rolled my eyes to make room for my cellphone.

"There you have it!" When I see it on the side of the wall, I'll make a promise. I was perplexed as to why it was here. Is this where I landed?

I grabbed it and pounded it. It seemed to be stuck in the side of the wall, which I found. Since it was inserted, I didn't notice it like that, but because I was next to it, I took it out.

'Mark,' I was turned away when someone called my name, but I couldn't see anything behind me.

'Mark... assist me,' he said again.

"Please don't bother me, whoever you are. I just want to be able to live here in peace. I won't let you leave as long as you don't bother me "I said this while scrubbing the pot.

'I won't bother you as long as you support me,' she says.

"I'm sure you have a spirit. I'm sorry, but I can't assist people like you."

'Even now... I just want justice.'

I abruptly ceased speaking. Her voice was so sad that she sounded like she was about to weep. No, it does not. But that is not the case. I'm not interested in getting involved in such matters.

"I can't help you. Then I don't want to have a relationship with you" I said as I continued what I was doing. I have strained the pot. I opened the refrigerator when it suddenly closed. I'm backwards. 'Have pity on me. I know you have a good heart 'She said her voice was about to cry. I was suddenly sweating. His presence was different. He seems to have been here for a long time and interacting with people. I felt nervous but I still opened the refrigerator then took the chicken meat that I was going to cook. ‘Please. I know you see me too but as much as I can I don't want to show you so you won't be scared.'

"Even if you show up, I won't be afraid of you. I'm used to meeting people like you."

'Thank you, then.' I know you are my ray of hope for me to remain calm. 'All I want is justice for my death.' Finally, the rice is thoroughly cooked. Thumbs down. He's irritating the ghost I've been conversing with for so long. It's a good thing I'm just here at home, because otherwise they may think I'm crazy.

'If you can promise to support me, there is a fair incentive for helping me.'

The chicken has already been fried. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing.

I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing. Assume I don't hear anything. I couldn't help but gasp. It's really inconvenient; why is it always this way?! Isn't it true that they're going to vanish? Why do these ghosts still make me laugh? Perhaps they felt they could assist me, who could be contacted at any time. What exactly is a ghost helper?

'Please, Mark... pay attention to what I'm doing.' 'Please assist me.'

I dripped the oil onto a pan, then placed the chicken on it. Perhaps you're right, golden brown.

'Please mark.'

I've already spooned the rice. I took the electric fan and blew it on myself. My sweat is leaking slightly. I'm not sure if it's because of the heat or because there’s a soul talking to me right now.

'Mark ...' He called me. I don't care about him.

"Thank you Lord for the food" I was about to sit down when suddenly someone pulled me from behind.


My eyes opened unexpectedly.

His face was swollen with blood. Her shirt, which was also stained with blood, was ripped. I'm going backwards.

I can't possibly be incorrect.

‘Thank you, Mark. 'I beg you...'

I simply backed away until I could feel the wall behind me, keeping my gaze fixed on him.

I can't be mistaken because that's him.

She's the lady in the earlier photograph!

To be continued...

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Avatar for LEMREJ
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Stories, Reading
