Things you need to teach your girl child at an early age

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When it comes to raising a girl child it becomes a challenge, especially in the present world 

There are some certain things you need to teach your  female child at a very tender age.

*You must make your daughter to have faith in the same religion you practice. Teach her how to pray to God regularly. You must teach her to believe and always be thankful to God for all the blessings.

*Tell your girl child never to sit on anybody's leg especially the opposite gender no matter the circumstances. Some girls have been a victim of rape and have been molested by the opposite sex.

*Train your 2 year old how to wash their private parts appropriately and caution them never to permit anybody touch these places because allowing men to touch this might lead to an ungodly thing. 

*Most especially , teach your female child about sex, educate them about sex because if you fail to tell them the public and the wicked world can run a test on them in a bad way.

There should not be gender biased, let a girl child know that she has a lot to offer to the world. Raise your female child with love, and let them believe in the art of giving and helping others.

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