The Power of Character

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The level or height which we can attain in life rest on our character, there is a misconception I will like to clear here and that is when people use character and reputation interchangeably. Character has to do with our real self while reputation has to do with the way people see us due to the character we have put up towards some task or the way we handle issues. 

The way we respond to an external stimulus can be attributed to our character, sometimes it is hidden and people may find it hard to notice it but there is no way we can hide our reputation because it will be decided by those who surround us.

There is power in our character and if not properly handle may go a long way in ruining someone's life or career, people will be like "it is better you don't tell him because he will explode like a bomb." I will like to tell us here that character has to do with specific quality and this can come in two different forms, it may be positive or negative and this will determine the way we relate to people in society.

Some people are known for carelessness, alertness, truthfulness, deceptiveness, and many more, these are fewer examples of what defines our character. Some people are very strong to the extent that when you break shocking news for them, they know how yo handle it and stay strong while revise is the case to some, it is better you don't tell them because it will only add to their wound.

Our character will determine the level in which we will succeed in a certain task. Although this has nothing to do with either you are a good person or you are the cruel type. All we need to have at the back of our mind is how can I work on my positive character and what are those things I need to do adjust those negative characters.

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The power now

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hmm....🤔 Great article, keep it up 👍❤️

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3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago

thanks dear

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3 years ago