👰👰Proof of being a virgin Bleeding is not necessary👰👰

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🌺❀🌹Hello friends i'm fine i hope you are all well how are you all friends🌺🌹❀

The wife should always be treated with respect and love

Some people abuse their wives out of ignorance and put their wives on the tip of their shoes.They oppress the wife who leaves her family, her home, her parents for the sake of one of her husbands and if he also oppresses her, then the wife does not like him and he has to live like a living corpse.  Is forced.

Respect and honor your wife for God's sake. We are hungry for love. Give her love and respect.She takes care of your home, takes care of your children, calms your soul and fulfills your sexual desires.

Be as careful as you can with sexual desire and spend as much time with her as she can bear

 A 16-year-old girl was killed simply because she could not prove her virginity.  Bleeding is considered virginity.

 In this article, I will show you the thinking of this class, what they think of marriage and wife.

 There is a type of person who, on the first night of marriage, starts to think of his own wife as "active" when there is no bleeding.  However, these are young people who have spent their entire lives in wrongdoing.  Now that he is married, he should have a "cell pack" for his wife, and the standard he has set for this is "bleeding."  They need to be made aware that in childhood or adolescence, while playing sports, or by climbing stairs, or jumping rope, or cycling, the thin membrane from which bleeding occurs can rupture.  If there is no bleeding, then it is not necessary that your wife is a bad character or if, God willing, she has done such an act to someone before, then let her know, God knows. She is accountable to you after you get married.  No, if you had so many doubts about the past, you would have got married after interrogation. Not now, forbid her to live. The biggest thing is, are you a virgin yourself?

 The second type of people are those who consider it "masculinity" to hurt their wives as much as possible on the first night of marriage.  There is no such thing as a big "man". Even if it happens, the next day there are more and more stories to tell to your friends. If you work in a hospital emergency or someone you know works, then you  It will be known that one or two cases come every month that the girl could not bear the severity of the pain on the first night of marriage and her condition became unbearable ... These "brave" men need to be made to understand that women too  She is a human being. Your wife is also someone's sister's daughter. If she is not able to get used to this process yet, then give her some time. Of course, give her a few days. Not necessarily the first night.  You have to take the "exam" ... servant of God!  During this process, she will feel the same pain as the pain of beating. Every woman has different physical endurance for every girl. If you see more pain, stop. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.  God bless him, he is your own. You have all his rights. Who told you that you will do this only on the first night, then it will be permissible for you to marry or you will be considered a man.  .?

 The third type is the boys who consider the longer duration of sexual intercourse to be masculinity. According to them, if you spend less than an hour on the first night of marriage, then you are not a "man" ... and this is unfortunate.  Educated gentlemen are also victims of this delusion. A very close friend of mine has been involved in adultery and misdeeds all his life. As the marriage approached, he began to feel inferior that it was revealed in a minute or less on the first night.  So, under the same pressure, a month before the wedding, he took a potion from a hakim and started eating it. He also spent thousands of rupees and on the first night of the wedding, he kept trampling Bint-e-Hawa against her will for forty minutes.  The result was that the wife had to be taken to the hospital at three in the morning and had to lie all the time that she had a stomach ache. These people need to be made to understand that you don't have to calm the girl down.  If you have to spend a lot of time in the sexual process, you can get help in this process by doing a lot of "work" even before the sexual process.

 The fourth category is those who think that doing this at least five or six times on the first night of marriage is tantamount to getting rid of the rage of a lifetime or it will get them a medal of masculinity on March 23. Friends of such people  Even then, they are the masters of their thinking. As soon as they see the groom on the morning of William, their first question is, "Yes!"  Kaniwari (how many times) and the groom will also point out and exaggerate the number with a smirking smile. According to him, this is a measure of honor.  He needs to be made to understand that you are his wife's dress. By sharing such secrets, you have stripped your wife naked in a crowded bazaar and planted a seed of filth in the minds of your own friends about your own wife.  Has given

 The fifth type is people who have spent their entire lives watching dirty movies and have dirty movie scenes on their minds ... and they are anxiously waiting for the first night of their marriage to "perform" all these scenes.  Call yourself a "man". These people need to be made to understand that there are all sorts of professionals working in these movies who are misleading people by resorting to various and expensive drugs.  And they are printing notes. Without these expensive medicines, they are also ordinary human beings. There is no "bahu billi". Their purpose is to print notes.  ...

 Unfortunately, we live in a society where mothers are ashamed to talk to their daughters and fathers are ashamed to talk to their sons about these matters. They are not considered as parents by the imams of mosques.  If old friends or educated friends do not understand in age, then wrong company shows its effect. And man becomes a walking sexual beast. He is not ready to understand his wife except to have children and sex machine.  ۔

 This article is written on the hope that if any one of these five types of people changes their mind after reading this post, then someone's sister-daughter will avoid becoming "Akhara". You will keep this in mind tomorrow.  He also wants to be the father of a daughter and when daughters become someone's wives, they are for wanting and loving, not to make an "arena". Keep wives as lovingly as glass vessels are kept.

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