Moringa plant

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Avatar for Kwwishrashid786
3 years ago

Moringa is so awesome that it is capable of blessing the body with many important vitamins and minerals. The leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, that sound unbelievable but it's the truth, and 15 times more potassium than bananas. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal and build muscle...It's also packed with antioxidants (which are capable of counteracting the damaging effects of oxidation) substances that can protect cells from damage and may boost your immune system. There's some evidence that some of these antioxidants can also lower blood pressure and reduce fat in the blood and body, moringa should be included in every family menu for general body well being.

$ 0.00
Avatar for Kwwishrashid786
3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice plant

$ 0.00
3 years ago