Everyone has what they look out for in an ideal partner. Some of these attributes cannot be compromised. We are usually very specific about what we want and this is what attracts us to the opposite sex once we find out that such a person has some of the desired attributes.
Just as we have what we desire, we also have a list of undesirable traits that we do not hope to encounter in a relationship. These are called deal breakers.
Deal breakers are those things that would make you end a relationship without a second thought no matter how long you have been together. The desire of everyone in a relationship is to be happy but when you find yourself in a situation where your partner is constantly doing things that puts you off or making decisions that is not in line with previous discussions, there is a tendency to want to end it.
Everyone's deal breaker aren't the same. What would make you want to quit a relationship might be something the other person would overlook. It all depends on our principles and values. A deal breaker isn't a red flag although they are usually signs of it. Like the name implies, these are traits you can't seem to compromise or live with.
The final decision to walk away is usually yours. However, keep in mind that the longer the relationship goes on, the harder the eventual breakup would be. When they start manifesting as red flags, it is advisable to discuss it with your partner and nib it in the bud but if your partner isn't willing to work on it, it's best you cut your losses and move on.
Now, what are your deal breakers in a relationship?
For me, I can't condone a lying habit because I consider a liar capable of anything. If I can't trust your words then I can't be with you.