Flowers are the Stunning creation og God

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Avatar for Kwwishrashid786
3 years ago

Flowers are the maximum stunning creation of God. Their sight is a joy all the time. They are a topic of poetry and no Natural description is whole without reference to flowers. Their beauty is sung through a number of the pleasant poets of the arena.

They are of diverse hues and colorations. Even the same species of plant life exist in several bureaucracy and tinges. They look picturesque and are a aspect of splendor. One is lost within the sight of plant life and thinks of that invincible Power which has created them.

The candy smell of vegetation makes the air pleasant to respire. The fragrance of flowers is extracted and preserved as perfume. People follow it on their clothes to cause them to candy smelling. Water of sure flora is sprinkled in gatherings

Flowers are utilized in making candy smelling hair oil. They are strung into garlands and with certain humans it's miles a fashion to wear candy smelling garlands in the evening. Flowers are supplied to gods and goddesses. Some rich humans spread them near about their mattress at night.

A lover offers plants to his liked as a token of his candy and natural love for her. Women like to cling them of their coiffeurs to appearance extra appealing. Some gentlemen hung them in the button-holes of their coats.

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Avatar for Kwwishrashid786
3 years ago


Flowers are the Stunning creation og God click

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3 years ago

Beautiful flowers!

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3 years ago