I got to know about read.cash today, I mean I just joined right now. The little time have spent here, I have learned a lot (I mean a lot!!!). The platform is so informative and connects different writer together. I pray to get along with the rules and regulations and be part of this community, Good day to you all.
And sequel to that I will be dropping a short article called DENIED RIGHT
Denied Right.
Politics!!!!. During elections different candidates and aspirant with the aim of sitting in the throne of power comes out to campaign, rally all with the aim of cajoling the citizens to cast their vote in their favor.
All with common manifesto to make our life's better and ofcourse to serve our interest. When election into the post, the dilemma of the people starts. They react to our bidding and need at the first very year of being elected, afterwards they retract back to their den deviating form the people's interest, going into fondling and increase their private pocket. That's not even the main point.
We elected them right?? Literally we are the employers! They are the employees! We pay their salaries through our taxes. Now why do we not they the right to determine their salaries???. Ileven though we pay them, we don't get to pay their salaries rather they decide ours. They get millions upon millions everyone month while the employers get few penny at the end of the moment. Is that right?
Image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=denied+rights&client=ms-android-transsion-tecno-rev1&prmd=invx&sxsrf=AOaemvLbjX3P8pf181y59zkhNPf2ns19yw:1635664746536&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZ3cCBjvTzAhXoD2MBHS2iB9EQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=688&dpr=2#imgrc=33c6yBgYuUBF5M
Welcome here on philippines...politics in philippines is a hot topic 🙂 Anyway welcome again i wish you a good journey here on read cash