Age accompanies wisdom??

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The issue is still being debated all over the world with people giving their different fact, opinions and points...

Here is my view on the issue

At first, glancing at the normal circumstance; it is generally believed that as you grow you aquire new set of ideas (i.e from cradle you learn to Walk, talk n all). Yh!!! That's expected. You grow you learn these knowledge buh one thing you should know is that kids tend to learn at different rate though scientifically brain size as nothing to do with this.

A kid might learn to walk at 8month while another a year (1yr)... Another might be a year and half (1 ½yrs)... You get the concept here?? Does it apply??

Second, Elders are not elders because they are old, but because they have wisdom age appropriate. Not every old person is an elder. Whether you like it or not, you are growing older. The only choice you have in the matter is whether you will also grow wiser. Wisdom teaches you that one of the few things money can’t buy is life, so don’t risk your life to make it. Wealth without health is worse than poverty.

Also, in some circumstances, creativity and wisdom starts to decline... When still a youth, you her to process a lot of things at once even with thorough thought or not, you come up with ideas but when you old, manpower decrease, thinking now takes a lot to process due to different experience and thought areas...

The concept can't be accepted neither can it be declined.

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