The Spanish Dancer

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1 year ago
Topics: Story, Writing, Life, Journey, Adventure, ...

The water was calm. Just a couple of hours back you could hardly see anything except sand swirling through the reef pushing corals to bend smoothly while cuddling those cute little inhabitants into a deeper sleep.

Geared up, torches on. Five divers entering the underwater realm with a huge splash. The all encompassing darkness shaping vulnerable shadows on the cliff they decided to explore while descending. Enchanted by the rasping sound of chatty crabs, the ladies set out for another nightly adventure.

After two decades of enjoying the earthly fruits of different relationships, marriage and kids, as well as healing her heart from an ugly divorce, Mandy finally agreed to join the girls to celebrate a unique reunion. This was their first night dive together as a team.

Once she felt the salty water touch her delicate skin, Mandy knew she can finally let go. All the worries, frustrations, anger and bitterness she accumulated over the past years could now be released without judgement. She gasped allowing her body to finally liberate the blockages and let a new stream of energy flood her system. The shivering was just the beginning of a journey she was about to embark.

Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and love filled her eyes with tears of insurmountably joy causing further shock waves to intensify the experience. The electricity in her hands made it impossible to longer hold her torch. Luckily she had a safety attachment that allowed her to drop the little but very powerful torch and focus on the underwater lighting provided by her headlamp.

Caitlin was the first in the group to notice that something wasn’t right and approached Mandy swiftly. She started breathing more heavily which affected her buoyancy sending her up and down the darkness. The team formed a circle around Mandy enabling her to find her inner balance quicker and recover faster from her shaking episode.

As if nothing happened, the girls continued their diving session, cruising down the underwater wall alongside smaller reef sharks while enjoying the company of moray eels and colorful fire fish. Just as they were preparing to start their ascend, arguably the most beautiful night creature crossed their path inviting them to dance along with her. A miraculous nudibranch wearing a flamenco-like red skirt performing a spectacular show mesmerized the ladies. The rare visitor was none other than the Spanish Dancer.

A watch suddenly started beeping, signaling that it was time to ascend. For a while the Spanish Dancer followed along performing a unique breakdance before she vanished into the abyss. Approaching the safety stop Mandy began to spin wildly, her eyes almost popping out of her goggles. Caitlin was nowhere to see.

On deck Mario was sobbing. He knew this was Caitlin’s last adventure. She would never enlighten the ballroom with her warm smile again. Those gracious red pearls will have to find a new delicate neck worthy of receiving their tender energy.

Life is a dance. Some force their way through it, others merge with its beauty and disappear in it.

~ Krisz Rokk ~

Creative art by Daniela S.

Originally published on the Hive blockchain at @KriszRokk.

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1 year ago
Topics: Story, Writing, Life, Journey, Adventure, ...
