Fusion (Original Poetry)

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Avatar for KriszRokk
1 year ago
Topics: Poetry, Poem, Life, Writing, Story, ...

You came into my world Fusion
paralyzing my thinking brain
dismantling the addictive patterns
that kept me a prisoner for decades.
I played with radio waves
interfering with dimensions
ignoring the repercussions
inviting souls from other realms
to dance with Earthly matters.
My innocence opened the portals
flooding the hearts of us mortals
allowing passion to flow in circles
emulating infinity without purpose.

The game captured our immaculate senses
pushing non-playing characters into the trenches
illuminating a spectacular maze
kept secret over the dark ages.
A twisted and plagued ecosystem
spreading its tentacles like an octopus
trying to squeeze hope and wisdom
from species not willing to play victimhood.
I tried bravery, it didn’t work
bending the matrix to my will
stopped energy from its free flow
What was I to do with all my force?
So, you intercepted my thoughts
willing to shed light on the confusion
pulling back the curtains of this gigantic illusion
Am I responsible for your descend Fusion?
💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Creative art: AI-generated image by Daniela S. via Midjourney

Originally published on the Hive blockchain at @KriszRokk

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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