Book Review: Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins

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1 year ago

I was watching a very intriguing documentary about the hidden determinants of human behavior and the different levels of consciousness on Gaia TV when at one point the narrator mentioned this book by Dr. David R. Hawkins. I had to look it up immediately and boy, was I in for a treat.

The first thing that caught my attention was the one sentence review of “Power vs. Force” by none other than world-renown psychologist and spiritual leader Dr. Wayne Dyer. He wrote that it’s “perhaps the most important and significant book” he has read “in the past ten years”. If Wayne Dyer says this about the book, than it must be really special -- I thought to myself.

In “Power vs. Force” the author reveals how to determine the truth or falsehood of any statement or supposed fact. To accomplish this difficult task and thus help us tackle one of humanities biggest dilemmas, he bridges the gap between science and spirituality like no other.

On our quest to better understand the human experience we have created several disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, theology, and so on. No matter which path we take, we all end up at a common point asking ourselves the exact same question:

What is the nature of pure consciousness?

The book is structured in three parts enabling the reader to first familiarize himself with the basic tools and thus be able to apply the insights in daily life. This is where the author delves into the different levels of human consciousness and explains the far-reaching effects it has on us as an individual and as a collective.

This review contains spoilers.


One of my favorite chapters in this first part is chapter number four, where the author provides an in-depth explanation analysis of these energy level.

We learn that the highest energy level one can attain is calibrated at 1,000. This is the level of Enlightenment, of complete Oneness. It’s the level of non-duality and divine grace attained by Jesus Christ, Buddha or Krishna.

Furthermore, we discover that all levels below 200 (e.g. shame, guilt, fear, desire, anger, pride) are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large. All these inferior levels are governed by force.

Level 200 which stands for courage is the fulcrum that divides the energy fields of force and power.

The energy fields of consciousness above 200 such as for e.g. willingness, reason, acceptance, love, joy and peace are constructive expressions of power.

The second part of the book deals with the power patterns in human attitudes and their influence in different areas of our life such as politics, economics, sports, arts, health and so on. The manifestation of weak patterns such as failure, suffering and sickness as opposed to powerful attractor patterns such as success, happiness and health provide a fantastic mirror that conveys the distorted reality we perceive our society today.

The third and last part delves into the profound meaning of consciousness aiming to help one to resolve the spiritual struggle and gain a higher level of consciousness.

What fascinates and inspires me most about “Power vs. Force” is the fact that every single word, sentence, paragraph and chapter written in this book has been tested to ensure truth prevails and the energy level is kept above 200.

This is in and of itself a gigantic task that I find extremely noble and candid.


What makes this classical book stand out is the “secret” information shared inside. Previously this type of knowledge was only accessible to world leaders and Nobelists. Today, these powerful insights AKA nuggets of wisdom lie at our fingertips. It is up to us to decipher that which is hiding in plain sight, namely the nature of the universe and life itself.

If you want to know yourself better, I would suggest reading this book. It’s 416 pages, worth of your time delving into the depths of consciousness, the universe and the mystical experience of life. The book is also available on Open Library and

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

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