Two friends

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One was a moneylender, and the other was a merchant. Both of them are heavy. One day the moneylender took a bag of seals and said to his friend, "Brother, I am going to my father-in-law's house for a few days; Can you keep some of my money with you? ” The merchant said, “Why can't I? But you know, I don't like to have the next money in hand. You are a friend, what more can I say to you, open my chest and put your money in it yourself - I will not touch the money. ” Then the moneylender put the seal in his sack in the merchant's chest and went home feeling safe.

What has happened in the meantime, how the merchant's mind is getting restless after his friend leaves. He is only thinking about that money and it seems that he does not know how much his friend has left! What's wrong with opening it once? Thinking this, he peeked inside the chest and opened the bag and saw the bag full of shiny seals! Seeing so many seals, the merchant became very greedy — he quickly removed the seals, put some money in its place, and closed the bag.

When his friend returned ten days later, the merchant talked to him with a big smile, but his mind was just saying, “It didn't go well. A friend came and kept the money believing that he should not have been cheated. ” After saying this, the moneylender said, "Then my friend, take the money today - where is it?" The merchant said, “Yes friend, take that. You can find it where you left it — I didn't move the bag anymore. ” The friend then opened the box and took out his bag. But, what a defeat! Thalivara was sealed, where did it all go? All that is just money! The moneylender sat down with his hands on his head!

The merchant said, “Okay friend! Why sit on the ground? ” The friend said, “Brother, defeat! I had a seal on my bag — now I see there's not a single seal, just some money! ” The merchant said, “What is that? Does the seal ever become money? ” The merchant was trying to pretend he was surprised; But his friend saw that his face was completely pale. He had no choice but to understand the matter — yet he smiled without showing any anger and said, “I just remembered the seal — now I see that there must be a goal somewhere. Let what is gone is gone — there is no more work in that thought. ” Saying this, he said goodbye to the merchant and took home the bag of money. The merchant breathed a sigh of relief.

Two months later, one day, the moneylender came to his friend's house and said, "Friend, I'm back home today - send your son in the afternoon!" In the afternoon the merchant left his son at the banker's house, and said, "I will come in the evening and take him away." What did the moneylender do, he changed the boy's clothes and hid him somewhere — and put a monkey in the boy's clothes and put him in the room.

As soon as the merchant came in the evening, his friend came and said like a pot, “Brother! I am in big trouble. When you passed your son, I saw Divya's plump face দিব but now I see what it looks like — just like a monkey! What can be done, friend! ” Seeing the matter, the merchant's eyes are fixed! He said, “Are you talking like crazy? Do humans ever become monkeys? ” The moneylender said like a very good man, “I don't know, brother! There is no way to understand what is happening nowadays. Don't you see that on that day my gold seals were replaced by all the copper money. It's weird! ”

Then the merchant angrily scolded his friend and ran to Qazi to complain. On the orders of the Qazi, four foot soldiers came and arrested the moneylender and presented him before the Qazi. Kazi said, "What have you done to her son?" Hearing this, the moneylender rolled his eyes and said, "Me?" I am a happy person, do I understand so much? Sir! I put a seal on his house, all the money was gone in ten days. Look again, her son has become a monkey as soon as he comes to my house. What kind of thing is going on I feel like a ghost. ” Saying this, he began to salute Kazi.

Kazi is also a clever man, he has nothing left to understand. He said, “Well, you guys go home. I am reciting mantras by calling the omniscient fakir and shaking the ghosts. Give him your money bag — and keep your monkey boy with him. If all goes well tomorrow morning, I understand that some of you are evil. Be careful! Then you will not get any money, you will not get any seal — and your son will die, I will kill and destroy all the father, mother, uncle and cousin of the son. ”

The merchant went home thinking with a bag of money. The moneylender returned home laughing with the monkey. Before dawn, the merchant goes to the moneylender's house again with the seal in his bag and says, "Friend! Friend! What a surprise to see! Your money is sealed again. ” The moneylender said, “Is that so? Surprisingly, that monkey has become your baby again. ” Then the moneylender returned the merchant's son with the seal plate and said, “Look, swindler! If you call me 'friend' again, I will kill you and make you blunt. ”

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