Food for the dog and its owner

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One dog delivered food to its owner every day. The dog was very tempted to taste the delicious food that came from the food basket. But, he always took care of himself. He would do his job regularly with fidelity. But one day all the dogs in the neighborhood followed him together. Their intense desire in their eyes, greed is falling from their mouths. At the same time, they tried to steal food from the basket and eat it. The believing dog tried to run away from them for a long time. But the chasing dogs once surrounded him in such a way that he stood up. Arguing with the dogs, he tried to convince them that they were not doing the right thing. This is exactly what the thieves wanted. They teased him in such a way that at one point he agreed. "Okay, so be it," he said. With that, he picked up the best piece of meat for himself and gave the rest to the dogs.

Ancient Proverbs: If you sit down to talk with greed, you are more likely to be defeated by greed.

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What an animal lover thanks for this article you share here with us.

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3 years ago

Thank you for your valuable comment

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yup it's ok.. My friend..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very interest story nice article

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3 years ago


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3 years ago