Black cumin( কালো জিরা)

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3 years ago

Black cumin

The botanical name for black cumin is ‘Nigella sativa’, a plant in the parsley family. It was discovered to be the tomb of King Tut and at that time it was believed to be used in the afterlife. People have been using black cumin seeds as medicine for 2000 years. It is a herbaceous plant. It has delicate purple and white flowers.

Black cumin is in great demand as a spice. Oil is obtained from black cumin seeds, which is very beneficial for the human body. It contains phosphate, iron, phosphorus. It also contains anti-cancer keratin, various anti-inflammatory ingredients and antacids.

Black cumin seeds contain about 100 chemical compounds. Here are a few with the name:

Ancient civilizations, such as the Roman Empire, called kalojira panacea, which literally means cure all. The widespread use of black cumin as a medicine in Rome has been explained. Black cumin is a nutrient-rich herb like protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, calcium and iron.

Here are some of the main health benefits of black cumin:

1. Blackberries help to ensure normal levels of blood pressure in the body. Blackberries help to ensure normal levels of blood pressure in the body by increasing low blood pressure and lowering high blood pressure.

2. It treats diseases related to the respiratory system, circulatory and immune systems, stomach and intestines, kidneys and even the liver.

3. Growth-Kaloji helps increase the flow and stability of breast milk in mothers.

4. Kaloji helps diabetic patients control their blood sugar by lowering their blood sugar.

5. Blood Pressure Control- Blackberries help to ensure normal levels of blood pressure in the body by increasing low blood pressure and lowering high blood pressure.

. Stopping Hair Loss - Blackheads stop hair loss by delivering nutrients to the hair follicles and help in hair growth.

. Kalojira helps to improve memory by increasing blood circulation to the brain.

. Physical and mental growth of the child - Kaloji helps to accelerate the physical and mental growth of the child.

9. General Improvement of the Body - Regular consumption of black cumin refreshes every organ of the body and improves overall health.

10. Cumin helps to cure nausea, diarrhea, body aches, sore throat and toothache, migraine, hair loss, runny nose, cough and asthma. Black cumin plays a helpful role in preventing cancer.

11. Black cumin is also useful for hair loss, headaches, insomnia, dizziness, facial and beauty protection, weakness, inactivity and laziness, loss of appetite, brain power and memory.

12. For headaches, massage black cumin oil 3/4 times daily on both forehead, chin and around the ears.

13. Regular consumption of black cumin mixed with tea or its oil or extract is beneficial in heart disease as well as fat and melted.

14. Black cumin is a very useful friend for relieving fever, cough and skin pain. It contains ingredients to increase appetite. Increases appetite by eliminating all stomach diseases, germs and gas.

15. Black cumin contains antimicrobial agents, which are anti-bacterial agents. Due to this ingredient, wounds, boils and infectious diseases (contagious diseases) do not occur easily in the body.

16. If there is pain in the teeth, the pain is reduced by rinsing with black cumin in lukewarm water; Germs die on tongue, palate, gums. Works to dry the cuts and tears of the body. Black cumin works to eliminate worms.

16. It is common in the Middle East that black cumin enhances sexual potency and helps to get rid of impotence. However, old black cumin oil is extremely harmful to health.-Source: Human Health.

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Okay dear

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3 years ago

good for health ,Black cumin

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

in Hadith book of Muslim, It's called a medicine for all sickness without death

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3 years ago

Please subscribe me also back dear

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Done bro

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3 years ago

gd post plz view my post..

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3 years ago

Thank you for sharing this with us all.

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3 years ago

Its my pleasure☺☺☺

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3 years ago

Good information

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3 years ago

Tnx for your valuable comment

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