Akand is a medium type shrub. It is 6 to 8 feet long. The bark is gray in color and the stems are hard and the young branches are hairy. The leaves are 4 to 6 inches long, the surface smooth and the bottom cotton-like. The small stalk and stalk are heart-shaped. When the leaves and branches of the tree break off, milky white glue comes out. The flowers are white or purple.
Place of receipt: Akand Jamne in different parts of Bangladesh.
Cultivation: Agand trees should be planted at a distance of 3 to 4 feet. However, when the fruit ripens in May-June, the seeds burst and float in the air. It is better to cultivate at this time. It can also be cultivated by cutting method. Amount of seeds per kg: 1 lakh 35 thousand to 1 lakh 40 thousand.
Seed preservation: Although it is possible to propagate from seed, it is possible to propagate from common part of Motha and Sakar. Akanda Useful parts: flowers, leaves, roots and glue.
Benefits / Folk Use: Akand is especially effective in hair diseases, pain and poisoning. Prevents ringworm and baldness. Soaking akand streaks in cotton relieves toothache and if held in the vagina causes miscarriage. Akand is a pain reliever and swelling remover. Pills made from akanda leaves and turmeric are anti-edema / swelling / jaundice and juice worm killer.
How to use a part:
In case of heartburn / acidity: Drink 0.75 gms of burnt ashes with water for immediate benefit. Stomach cramps or stomach irritation: Applying mustard oil on the right side of the akanda leaf, heating the leaf a little and placing it on the stomach or sneezing will stop stomach biting or stomach irritation.
In edema / swelling disease: Akanda is especially beneficial. If any place becomes swollen due to swelling, it is beneficial to keep the akand leaves tied.
Difficulty in breathing: The bark of Akand's roots should be powdered first, then soaked in Akand's glue and then dried. After that, if you make it into a cigar and smoke it, you will have good breathing.
In case of pneumonia: Apply ghee on the right side of the akanda leaf and rub it with a pinch of salt.
When digestion is reduced: Applying 2 grams of dried akanda root powder increases appetite.
Income: It is possible to earn Rs. 80 to Rs. 1 lakh per acre of land by cultivating akanda annually.
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