Unfinished love story

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Avatar for Kredoy545
3 years ago

I am a Salman Honors 2nd year student. I have been a hobby cricketer since I was a child so I took cricket training in an academy to realize my dream. This is how my life was spent. I was far away from love. I got acquainted with the beautiful Romney again. After burning a lot of wood, I first talked to her through a friend. The things are normal. How are you? I left after finishing my studies. I miss him so much, I miss him so much that after three days I can't tell him anymore ... I told him to open it all ... He told me to wait, how he arranged his (girl's) mobile number is still unknown. Almost as soon as I called her, a woman called and I hung up in fear, then called again in the evening and saw that she had caught.

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3 years ago