Making a memorable talk

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2 years ago

Unless your job requires you to live on a secluded island, you will almost certainly need to learn how to communicate with others. No matter what area of business you're in, communication skills are crucial, and one unique quality is the ability to make your conversation fascinating and memorable.

Here are six strategies to make your presentation memorable, whether you want someone to remember your name, your product, your story, or just the time you spent together.

1. Make frequent use of their name.

Many people claim to be lousy at naming things. Why should people remember you if you don't bother to remember your name? A person's name, or whatever name they use to introduce themselves, is significant. You demonstrate that you are involved and interested by remembering whether they are Ann or Annie.

Using a person's name frequently (but not in every sentence) is a smart technique to build rapport and get the other person to pay attention.

2. Allow them to speak for themselves: listen

We prefer to talk more than we prefer to listen. As a result, being a good listener will help you stand out. Allowing the person to talk as much as they want will almost certainly make them recall the interaction pleasantly.

But not just any listening will suffice. Demonstrate that you're paying attention and not just disregarding what they're saying. Nod, create eye contact, and use your body language to convey that you're interested. Don't interrupt; instead, ask questions to demonstrate that you were paying attention and to keep the conversation going.

3. Share a personal story

We have a tendency to repay others' confidence, and it makes us feel unique to know that they decided to share sensitive information with us. Telling the other person about a memorable experience, an endearing anecdote, or anything that has hurt or made us happy is a fantastic approach to make the entire conversation memorable.

You don't have to tell everyone about your trauma, but if you have an experience or a childhood story to contribute, it will help to progress the conversation. People enjoy hearing tales and personal information, and if you share something genuine with them, they are far more likely to remember you.

4. Make use of your entire body

Your body language and gestures are crucial. If you try to exhibit attention or tell a funny story but your body language indicates that you're bored, the other person is unlikely to be interested. Make sure your movements, posture, facial expression, and tone are all in favor of what you're saying. It doesn't have to be overly dramatic, but you should make sure your body language and speech are in sync.

5. Make it relevant to the person you're talking to.

We tend to pay more attention to things that are important to us. Tieing a conversation to what matters to another person is a smart strategy to make it remember. You can adapt your message or idea to them if you know their likes and dislikes, issues and preferences. Even if you don't know much, you can bring up things that seem interesting to others of a similar age, gender, or other characteristics.

Consider how you could tie the two together, for example, if they are engaged in personal improvement and your message is about the environment. You may argue it's a fantastic method to develop as a person or the impact embracing this concept has had on your life. Make people care about what you're saying by tying it to something they're already interested in.

6. Be kind to others

We are more likely to recall hurtful discussions, but we are also more likely to remember compassion and respect. Show the other person warmth and empathy if you want to be remembered favourably. We appreciate those who can comprehend us rather than pass judgment, offer unsolicited advise, or condemn us. Being kind and pleasant to the other person and demonstrating your positive attitude can help you stick in their mind.

It takes expertise to be a memorable speaker or conversationalist. Practicing the art of communication will help us become better communicators and stand out from the crowd.

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2 years ago
