Learning and appreciating to be alone.

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3 years ago

Why being alone is very necessary on the path of you becoming your best you?

It is important because knowing who you are and understanding the root cause of your feelings and emotions are keys to self-knowledge. Also, we often find ourselves around people for long periods of our lives to only realize that these people are not the type we truly enjoy being around. All of this could easily be avoided by learning and appreciating to be alone.

To be understand yourself what you love, what you like, and what you appreciate much less, you must find out what truly motivates you to take action and what pushes you away from such actions. The only way to know this is to get to the root of what you are and learning how to spend time alone will drastically be a benefit in this process.

How to be alone

1. Resist nervousness and temptation to socialize

It’s okay to be alone. We often think that we have to be doing something, but, sometimes doing nothing at all is something in itself. It’s okay to not do anything and to expect nothing from it.

In our society, we tend to load the person that is still. But in that same society, very few people are truly fulfilled or even content with who they are. Everyone seems to be doing something yet seldom is a person truly happy with who they are and what they’re doing.

Taking the time out to be alone maybe weird at first. But with practice and understanding its benefits, you’ll grow to appreciate and even look forward to diving into the depths of who you are by spending this time alone.

2. Occupy your time with things that help you reflect on your being you

Here are a few suggestion that can help you with occupying your time.

Meditate, practice being still, practice praying to help you visualize your destination and trust that your path is a path made just for you.

Try writing down your feelings or your current or past situations. Spend time to think about major obstacles you overcame or want to overcome in life and why. Think about the things that have affected you deeply in the past, the thing that you love, and the things that serve to make you better in this present day. Studying yourself in this way can help you understand the nature and the root cause of some of your impulses, your habits and often even your overall attitude towards things.

3. Turn off your phone

No social media. If it’s hard for you, make a game of how long you can last without it. An inch for more and more time, step by step by step. I know social media can be addicting. We tend to have fear of missing out when we don’t know what’s going on online. But what are we really missing out on is it something that we can pay attention to at a later time. Why are we even paying attention to this thing?

Schedule a time off of your phone if you have to. Make it a part of your day or maybe make that day a part of your week. Be alone with your thoughts. Be with your own thoughts are influenced by what is happening online and allow them to take you deeper inside of who you truly are.

This three step process of learning and appreciating to be alone will make you know who you truly are.

I just hope that this article will be a good help on finding yourself. And if you find this interesting, maybe you can share it to your family, friend, co-workers and more.

Tips will be highly appreciated too. 😉

Lead image used is taken from google search https://www.google.com/search?q=alone&prmd=vin&sxsrf=ALeKk00gyIY1_SRVbCvsWvLMulv2bVlE7Q:1628862726628&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_g9XBkq7yAhU5hf0HHa8vCssQ_AUoAnoECAEQAg&biw=412&bih=728&dpr=2.63#imgrc=rh9qjyVZ3qc-bM

Goodnight everyone!

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Avatar for Kraine
Written by
3 years ago


You're right! We have to let ourselves be alone sometimes because it helps us to understand ourselves better. We get to know deeper our purpose in life. It allows us to find inner peace too. 💗

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3 years ago