Increasing Faith

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2 years ago

Trusting an unseen God can be challenging, especially for those who feel that what they see is what they believe. It's difficult to put your issues and future in the hands of someone whose existence you don't know.

Having a strong trust in God, on the other hand, has helped many people get through their worst times. Unbelievers may find it ludicrous, but those who have witnessed God's miracles and grace would not hesitate to proclaim that their God is real and strong.

If you want to enhance your faith in God, there are a few measures you can do.

Make an effort to pray more.

The more you talk to God as if He were right in front of you, the more convinced you become that He is a person to whom you may pour out your heart. Furthermore, prayer allows you to put your faith to the test because you admit that there is Someone invisible who listens to you when you talk to Him honestly.

Read the Bible.

Only if you are certain that the God you believe in exists and that you have some sense of what He is like will you feel secure in your faith. Reading the Bible is the finest method to get to know God.

The Bible not only gives us sound advice on how to behave as Christians, but it also shows us how God showed Himself to people in the past. As a result, the more time you spend studying the Bible, the better you will understand God's character as well as previous believers' stories of how they experienced God's power.

Surround yourself with people who are enthusiastic about God.

Surround yourself with believers who have a strong faith in the Lord if you want to be on fire for God. These people will be recognized by their words, deeds, and way of life. They are Christians who, despite adversity, stay hopeful and find strength in prayer. Some people are willing to give up their time, careers, and even their possessions in order to serve God by assisting others.

Know that God is the same today as he was yesterday.

Another concept that can help you maintain your faith is the fact that God remains the same over time. The same all-powerful God who parted the Red Sea for the Israelites now hears your requests. Even in the future, he will remain faithful. As a result, you can still trust God, just as the Bible heroes did.

Keep a journal of prayers that have been answered.

Another great technique to develop your faith is to keep a list of answered prayers. Reading them over and over when you're feeling down will remind you that prayer is effective. It will also motivate you to fight on your knees in every battle. Your answered prayer book will serve as evidence that the God you believe in is alive and well.

Keep in mind his previous faithfulness.

Remember what God has done for you in the past when you are discouraged and begin to doubt His love. If God was able to answer your prayers, protect you from harm, and make things happen for your good in the past, He certainly can do so now. All you have to do now is trust Him once more.

Appreciate the wonders of God's creations.

Examine the sky, clouds, trees, mountains, flowers, the beach, and even the magnificent birds and fish in the area. You can't help but question how these natural events could be so sophisticated and beautiful if there isn't an intelligent Designer behind them. You may also picture neurons, cells, and tissues working around the clock to keep you alive by looking at your palm.

Final say

Even if you can't see God, having trust in Him implies believing in His presence, power, goodness, and love for you. Ask the Lord to open your heart and allow you to see beyond what your natural eyes can perceive if you want to have a deep confidence in Him. Make the decision to believe with your heart.

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2 years ago
