All We Need is Crypto

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Avatar for Kraine
Written by
3 years ago

A world in which the corruption virus is suffocated by the bright lights of accountability.

Where financial systems regulated by democratically programmed algorithms regulate economic inequality out of existence.

We believe that everyone deserves an equal chance to find equality, justice, and financial fulfillment, regardless of who they are, where they came from, or why they are here.

Our economy forms our culture, and our currency determines our fate, so we need to understand how they work and have a say in how they are handled.

That is why we need crypto.

Cryptocurrency isn't magical internet money.

When you speak to regular people about cryptocurrency, you'll find that very few of them have a clear understanding of what it is and why it's essential.

Many people believe that cryptocurrency is some sort of magical internet money that makes people wealthy for no apparent reason.

Business owners, on the other hand, who profit from the existing structure of injustice, love to remind the general public that cryptocurrency is a Ponzi scheme.

According to their rationale, any market where supply and demand determine value is a pyramid scheme, since early adopters of all successful markets always reap the greatest rewards.

The difference is that the cryptocurrency industry exists in broad daylight, right in front of our eyes.

We have a real say in how it is run, and ordinary people who have long been at the bottom of society's pyramid now have a fair shot at success.

We've been sending out the incorrect message

It's past time for us, as a group, to start communicating why the world needs crypto.

People need to understand why cryptocurrency is the future of money; they don't believe us when we say it's a good investment. They shouldn't, either, because we haven't explained why.

People are sceptical, and everybody understands that nothing comes for free.

The rest of the world needs to consider the real benefits that cryptocurrency will provide to our community.

The rest of the world needs to consider the real benefits that cryptocurrency will provide to our community.

We forget why we're here when we get swept up in the excitement.

That's why this transformative technology, which provides unprecedented levels of personal autonomy, economic justice, and social equality, is labeled a bubble.

They start comparing crypto to tulips at this stage.

Tulips have never provided a fraction of the personal and societal benefits that cryptocurrencies provide; they are radically different in any way imaginable.

We need to broaden our horizons.

We should begin by reminding each other about what matters most, so that when others listen in, they understand what this movement is all about.

Instead of being caught up in the noise of emotion that robs our movement of its enthusiasm and meaning, we need to spend more time discussing what crypto means for society and what it can do for humanity.

Let the people knew why we need crypto. Instead of twlling them about your favorite crypto. Discuss them the blockchqin as a whole.

$ 0.58
$ 0.58 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Kraine
Written by
3 years ago
