3 Proven method to overcome fear of failure

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3 years ago

Hello! I'm kraft and this is my first day here. I'm here to write and I want share today the proven methods to overcome fear of failure that I use everyday. So welcome to me! 😅 So lets start.

Everyone fears failure in one form or another. It is human nature to be afraid when you leave your comfort zone, but you have to face that fear whenever you try something new or want to be really good at what you do.

You just have to be more discriminating in helping other people. This article explains why you are afraid of failure and the three ways to overcome that fear.

Adults who have fear failure are human in nature. It is not something we are born with. You may or may not remember, but when you were very young you weren't afraid of failure. When I was a child, I never had the feeling of learning to walk. The results were not so good. It doesn't matter if you fell once or twice or a dozen times, you kept walking and trying to run until you made it.

The idea of giving up never crossed your mind, so why do most people give up after a few failures in life?

It is clear that failure and avoidance lead to fear. We learned that in later life. There are two common scenarios that can guide you to learn this fear.

  • The first scene is that you have learned that failure is a shame and people can stop it in front of you so that you can stay in your comfort zone. Worrying about other people's thinking leads you to fear failure because you are afraid that this feeling will change everyone's opinion about you.

  • Another scenario is that your ego and personality start hiding from what you're doing, and when things don't go the way you want them to, you think you might die. This scenario is usually for those who are trying something new like entrepreneurship.

So how can we avenge failure instead of being afraid of it? Here are three ways.


Some people degree their achievement through their capacity to keep away from mistakes.. This way of thinking only exacerbates your fear of failure, because you see failure or mistakes as something you should meet instead of, you want to measure your success by your ability to show yourself and keep going.

People who are at the top of the business or who are successful because they show up every day and fail. You have to learn to fail without worrying. Also, you learn the most from failures or mistakes. You can also refine your goals to achieve the same goals.


If you make something and let the world see it, you're probably worried about the thoughts of others.

All artists appreciate good feedback, but receiving negative feedback is very painful. Even if you are surrounded by positive feedback, you only need one bad comment to ruin your date.

To start something that matters to you or to make something better, you need to be mindful of the thoughts of others. You should stop worrying because you can control the points of others.

It is impossible to get everyone's approval, so please stop. Instead of concentrating energy on what you can't control, you need to focus energy on what you can control. Your workplace is something you can control and work on. It's easier to ignore other people's opinions if you keep going, focusing on what you have to do, rather than focusing on others' thoughts.


This method should be used when your experience fails and you want to give up.

  • What did you learn from that failure?

  • As a person, how can you grow from this failure?

  • List at least three positive things about the situation.

It shouldn't be too difficult to answer the first question because there are many things to learn from failure. Learn what works and what doesn't. The second question should be very difficult to answer because it is an extension of the first question.

Failure helps you grow as a person. When you come to the last question, it is up to you that we should not make it a little difficult to answer. Finding a positive in failure is difficult on your mind, especially when you experience failure on a regular flight. You need to stick to it and try to offer at least three positive ones so that you can see new opportunities.

For example, if you are laid off from work, the positive is that you do not have time to work on something that you think will make you a different career.

There are always new opportunities opening up from failure at this stage of the exercise to help you see those opportunities. Failure can be unpleasant, but it should be significant. Don't be afraid of it and many amazing opportunities will unfold.

Thank you for reading!

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3 years ago
