Our Life Must Be Contagious

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Avatar for Korinne_justo
3 years ago
Topics: Experiences, Life, God

How do you see yourself as a person? What legacy will be left once you die? Is it good or bad?

We, people are easy to influence people, through social media, peers, Churchmates and so on, but what kind of life you are living now? Is it for the glory of God or for the world?

Here are some points on how to influence others just like how Jesus influence His disciples.

1. Lifestyle of the Lord- how He live? We must follow His steps. His everyday lifestyle is to love, forgive and have compassion to others.

2. He gives emphasis on obeying the will of God-yeah, it's true. Living by the truth and obey Him to show our love.

Obedience to God's will is the secret of the spiritual knowledge and insight. It is not willingness to know but willingness to do God's will that brings certainty.

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