I Am Fired Up!

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Being a Christian is easy but living a Christian like is not. How can you say that your faith is burning and fired up? How can you say that you are not a luke warm Christian and not like a fish that just going with the flow?

When you are still scared of speaking truth you must go back to the cross and ask yourself why are you still scared? Are you ashamed of your God or you're selfish and you do not want to share the salvation?

You must not pick and choose beliefs, but you must not be legalistic like Pharisees that follows the law but be a Christian that believes in the word of God. Not all beliefs are beneficial, some are just cultural, seek the heart and the reason why are they doing and believing it. We are Christians, not just followers of law but a follower of God.

You must not just love others because they love you back. Just love others even if they are your enemies just like Jesus did. Forgive yourself and others to have peace in mind.

You must not feel safe and secure in their salvation doing the bare minimum. Jesus deserve the best and highest type of praise that we can give. We are not just a member of church but we are aiming to be a leader and have a ministry; win souls.

You must not love God and there are conditions. God is giving His love that is unconditional so we are.

Do not love to play it safe.

You must not fear the punishment of God more than sin itself. Loving God doesn't mean you will be sinless and temptless but we feel guilt whenever there are temptations

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