How To Love.

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Avatar for Korinne_justo
3 years ago
Topics: Love, Life, Experiences

Being with right person is everyone's dream

But how can we stay to that person consistently even if barriers are everywhere?

Pray for it. We must start to love God because God is love. We will know what is the real meaning of love if we seek Him first.

Love yourself first. You can't love another person if you don't love yourself because in the end, you will end up in pain because you don't have even a little of love for yourself.

Be sure that you already forgive the person from the past. I know it is hard but how can you love another if your heart is still in pain and have grudge in your heart.

Be matured enough. You are waiting for the right person to love not to for lust. If you are finding sexy, rich or physical beauty, you're not ready, you're looking for a game, not love but find a person who is good inside and both of you have the same vibes.

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