The future of BCH in Africa: This may likely happen soon.

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4 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash, Culture, Money, Future, ETH, ...

Africa is the world's, second largest and second most populous continent. Seconded to only Asia. With over 1 billion residents, Africa is rapidly growing fast when it comes to economic, entrepreneurship, and technology.

With tech-savvy countries like Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, South Africa, Ghana, and Uganda. By 2030, the majority of her citizens would be technologically knowledgeable.

Back in January 2009, bitcoin the world's first Cryptocurrency, broke the barrier between commercial banking and middleman ship. From 2009 till now. Over 2 billion humans has traded, stored and made profit with crypto. We evolved along with digital currency. Africans are embracing crypto and preforming less with commercial banks. All because we understand the value and it's anonymity. OnĀ 1 August 2017, Bitcoin cash was introduced to the world. It has since been regarded as one of the top most known cryptocurrency. Now currently ranked #6 on coinmarketcap . This coin has a huge potential. I believe it's the next big coin.

The truth is most Africans would rather buy and sell bitcoin, USDT, Tron and Ethereum. Bitcoin cash is been ignored. Most don't know or understand the uniqueness of BCH, its flexible and transparency. Since the exposure of Read.Cash in Africa. We're beginning to understand BCH as a cryptocurrency.

I so much want to represent and promote bitcoin cash in Africa. Maybe as an ambassador. There's some much to learn and do with BCH. We just neeed to see beyond.

5 things that might likely happen soon.

1: It maybe completely be forgotten soon I fear that this coin maybe completely forgotten here in Africa.

2: BCH would hit $500 soon With its current price at $283. Bitcoin cash has a great potential of reaching $500 before 2023. A big exposure in Africa and beyond would increase its visibility and chances. I strongly believe it's the next big coin after bitcoin. Only time would tell.

3: Africa will embrace BCH Before now, I had a little experience about this coin. I got to know more about bitcoin cash through read.Cash and private research. Its exposure is building a global brand.

4: A new king would emerge I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it- Maya Angelou. It might take a bit longer or it may happen soon. We can only predict. But what I'm sure of is BCH would grow.

$ 2.24
$ 2.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
4 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash, Culture, Money, Future, ETH, ...


Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The truth is most Africans would rather buy and sell bitcoin, USDT, Tron and Ethereum

The goal of Bitcoin Cash is not to buy and sell. Bitcoin Cash is to become an alternative world currency that can be earned and spend worldwide. Bitcoin Cash is also intended to replace banks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago