5 ways to protect your crypto assets from hackers: White hat method

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4 years ago

According to a recent report from smartcompany.com.Au More than $11 billion USD worth of cryptocurrency has been stolen from the top most secured crypto exchanges platform, wallets and crypto mining company since 2011.

These hackers are experts in security breaching. Your cryptocurrency may be at risk if you don't take the basic precaution measures.


1: Back up your wallet

I know you've seen this a lot. Even Read.Cash strongly advice we back up our wallet. When you back up your wallet, you save yourself a great deal of stress and regret. If you've never done this. Go find your wallet and back it up.

Preferable method: Cloud storage, Email draft, paper writing.

2: Always use 2FA authentication code

2FA auth is another way white hat method that you can use to protect your account from fraudster, and hacker. Without 2FA, you can access your account. Neither will any hacker. Until, they have access to your phone number or email.

3: Avoid public transaction

No matter how difficult the situation could be. Never engage in public transaction. "NEVER OPEN OR LOGIN INTO YOUR WALLET, IN PUBLIC" you never can tell who's watching.

4: Don't share your wallet address randomly online

Be mindful of whom you share your wallet address with. You may have unknowing posted it online. Like a public forum, social network, or even share it anywhere. It's advisable you don't try this. It's risky.

5: Avoid phishing emails

Hackers are fond of this. They are expert at cloning emails, redesigning the website to look like original and a lot more. When you click on such infected link. A key logger will have access to your information. Such could cause huge potential damage. The best way to avoid this breach is to contact your customer care support immediately, check old mail from original source and install antivirus.

These are the basic 5 I can recommend. More options are welcome.

$ 5.31
$ 5.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
4 years ago


hi its me...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

good job bro..keep it up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Some of these protects for crypto assets against heckers I am using too.I agree with you,we have to be careful.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I’m kinda new at all this I’ve seen a lot about the nano ledger witch seem to be the better of the items there are others out there never buy them from eBay or Amazon is what they say they sell on there Owen site

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ledger nano, white paper., I thought I will read about this but I couldn't find them . Anyway thank you for the information that you have shared

$ 0.00
4 years ago

strongly advice we back up our wallet. When you back up your wallet, you save yourself a great deal of stress and regret. If you've never done this. Go find your wallet and back it up. Such could cause huge potential damage. The best way to avoid this breach is to contact your customer care support immediately, check old mail from original source and install antivirus.

Thanks so much for your advice on the phone

Preferable method:

$ 0.00
4 years ago