How my life Changed | After Becoming a Crypto Millionaire

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Hey, I m Konain_Abbasi from Pakistan it's my experience in cryptocurrency.

I wanted to tell you what changed my life after becoming a crypto millionaire. This is what I wish I knew before becoming rich. Why I think that cryptocurrency is for me the most important aspect of my life and the thing that produce the most wealth and abundance in my life and I think that cryptocurrency really is an avenue for other people to produce that same abundance essentially like a channel like a river of money that you can tap into and start getting your share the wealth kind of like. If you're out of maple tree and you just tapped into that maple tree and you set your little bucket down and it just starts pouring wealth and money into your life so for me you guys. I got into cryptocurrency way back in 2015. I actually heard about bitcoin in 2014 my little brother told me about it he that there was this money that you can mine on your computer and that it's real that you can send it between each other and I honestly of thought that it was a scam when he was telling me about it because he was explaining mining and mining just seemed like something that didn't make any logical sense to me so I was a little bit skeptical and one of the things about being skeptical in the markets and being skeptical with new technology is Its's extremely I'm not the only person that's felt skeptical maybe you felt skeptical towards crypto before but if you reframe it into the mindset of okay what happened with other technologies you realize that cryptocurrency is by far one of the most groundbreaking technologies and so to have a lot of people be very skeptical about it is completely normal it reminds me a lot of the internet it reminds me a lot of any revolutionary technology that changes the way that we do things changes the way that we see things changes our behavior patterns people get very stuck in their way they get used to doing things in a certain way so when you're thinking about okay well is this cryptocurrency going to change the way that we transact money is such an essential part of everybody's life's and they're so used to transacting the way that they're transacting that change is going to cause skepticism gonna cause people to be a little bit curious as to how and why this is going to take over their old method of payment but really digital money has been around for a long time 97% of all currency all US currency is digital there's only like three percent actual cash reserves so we basically live in a digital currency already and I think that's really really cool that we do and we're just transitioning into a more secure digital society that also doesn't have centralized manipulation or control like the old systems did the old monetary systems of Fiat system. So when my little brother told me about bitcoin. I was skeptical just kind of put on the back burner in my mind and then I was listening to a @Rogan experience podcast with Andres Antonopoulos and was actually interesting as Andreas Antonopoulos start talking in-depth about Bitcoin the technology. Why it's important and he was talking about different ways to get a hold of it so I downloaded a #coinbase happened at the I was working at a Marriot hotel I was making just over $9 an hour but I knew deep down inside of me that I had something bigger for me something better than I could make a bigger impact on the would I have got a lot of value out of my working.

It's my Little bit experience in cryptocurrency.

It's my first article in

Article Publish: 02/22/2022

Write by Konain_Abbasi

                    "Thank you so much for reading"

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