BCH Thinking that will your Life!!!

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Hello, #read.cash user, I've just a thought if you really want to earn money wherever you are earn bitcoin cash. The best way to earn is thinking outside the box and what do I mean by that most people have a mentality of what can I get, how can I get this, and get that right that's bad thinking. What you should think is how can I serve what talents do I have to reach people and those talents. How can I use those talents to serve and give a service a product to market a niche market? Whatever that I can be rewarded in bitcoin cash. See like amazon why did why is amazon so powerful in today's world they provide a service this is how they provide a service one they provide a service those people that drop ship drop shopping is where you take a product that someone has and you re-advertise it for a higher price someone buys it off you and then you keep the change pay the person that has a product to ship it did that for a number of years. I bought cars with it you know I went in you know in a period I was working having like more than, I had three businesses I was telling my daughter the other day. I had my construction I had my business I had my drop shipping business and I was trading currencies online. So, they were the three businesses that I sort of had and I worked long hours so I ended up dropping a few of them. And I became a minor back in 2000 at the end of 2016,17. I started becoming and sort of miming bitcoin and then and got me off dropshipping and stuff like that, where I basically mined to earn satoshi's or bitcoin that's been great because fast forward through the financial collapse the convert situation, that has been enabled me to stay afloat and keep on things pay payoff or debtors. You know there were times when I was owned 22,000$ from my client who went bankrupt the doc. Who went over so after paying my staff setting I end closing down the business in the end because I'm not confident in today's market and today's economy within covert thing hanging around, So I'm bringing that back to you to because I'm here to serve you. So the classic example: I made a video and I try to make a thumbnail for this video. So in this example, you have a thumbnail for my youtube channel Right. In this example, someone came out and reached out to me. And said hey I made a thumbnail for you. What do you think I was so taken back and I said you know what? Do you mind if I use this So now this person that reached out to me to provide a service of creating Thumbnails for my videos I will pay that person and there's the amount of money that I pay would be like a doctor's wage, lawyer wage there in that country? It's hard to believe that but it's true. So this is why I'm passionate about bitcoin cash it enables me to provide content to serve you the bitcoin cash community and those that are researching bitcoin cash. Just showcasing my lifestyle who I am you know sharing my life, and what I use and the tools that I use, and little hacks you little lifestyle hacks with the bitcoin cash blockchain and enables you to get an education and stuff like that a lot of It's free but the main thing is in my providing. A service someone says look you're providing a great service let me serve you to have a better service and through his initiative of reaching out to me through email. He sent me a thumbnail and I was so impressed and so this person now is going to be one of the leading guys that I m going to go through for video editing and thumbnails now. Don't get discouraged you may have talent too right. What I'm trying to say is there are lots of people like me. They are looking for ways of improving themselves. I don't know how to make NFTs I would like to learn. I would like to pay someone to teach me. Because I'm a kinetic learner some people learn by reading, by hearing stuff. I'm a doer. like, show me step-by-step process videos great for me. someone's sitting down and showing me. How to do stuff and my answering and questions. As I go that's how I let my trade so a lot of people learn different ways so for me. I'm a kinetic learner I learn by doing by going through processes step by step with you.

So this guy's reached out to me and says listen. I would like to make you this thumbnail and I would like to pay you for doing that in fact, I like your spirit so much. Let's talk about price let's talk about. How you can receive from me a cost-effective way of me getting repeat business from me. But you're doing well you build your sideline business. that maybe becomes a full-time business you will outper from those in your own country. because you're earning in bitcoin cash. For me, that's maybe a cup of coffee or a can of drink. Or a take ay meal but for you, it may be your week's groceries.

I would like to have that personal service. I know that there are bitcoin cash sites. Where you can contract with people you can put a bid to get business and you like five fiver five is like a place. where you can provide a showcase of your talents and people will contract with you there usually from Paypal stuff like that I've done that before. But there are other places where you can do that with bitcoin cash. Where you into a smart contract and escrow. where I will put forward x amount of bitcoin cash and then. When you fulfill your contract in providing that service. It's then released so we can do it like that, but let's try an experiment let's do noise. Let's go on noise.cash and let's bring in what people do on Facebook. People promote their business and they promote their skills on Facebook. Why can't we do that on bitcoin cash.

"Love you all have a blessed day"

                      Thanks you so much for reading

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